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  • lizzy1 replied to the topic 11 second rule in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    i am just in the process of re reading the book 0 – 130 properties in 3.5 yrs and there was a lot i missed 1st time and i am tagging pages so ican find things quick . this might help you remember

    Can you please outline the fundamental principles of this rule. Just the quick evaluation you put onto a property to evaluate viability.…[Read more]

  • lizzy1 replied to the topic wrap v’s renovate options in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    yes i agree with you i would like to see the 11 sec rule put into action and given some examples as if they just fit the 11 sec rule it seems to be negative gearing!

    Hi Lizzy1
    looking over your figures you have left out management fees on the rent. I also find that the 11sec rule doesnt always give you a cashflow +ve place. Maybe…

    [Read more]

  • lizzy1 replied to the topic wrap v’s renovate options in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    the property sold for 111k, so we missed out!


    From your outgoings mentioned versus rent, there is still a surplus of close to $1000 per year. Even if you borrowed the $11.5K for renovations, I would have thought that the rent would cover it?

    If it is a growing area as you say, and the property will cover itself, and grows enough for…

    [Read more]

  • lizzy1 replied to the topic wrap v’s renovate options in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi mel
    how i worked out the figures was
    purchase price 90k
    deposit 10% 9k
    closing costs 3,550k
    initial cash needed
    our loan 81k
    p & i loan
    25 yrs at 6.5%
    weekly repayment $126.14
    annual cashflow out would be
    loan 6,559.28c
    rates 1,200
    insurance 200
    repairs budget 468
    total cash out $8427.28

    total cashflow…

    [Read more]

  • lizzy1 replied to the topic wrap v’s renovate options in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi mel
    how i worked out the figures was
    purchase price 90k
    deposit 10% 9k
    closing costs 3,550k
    initial cash needed
    our loan 81k
    p & i loan
    25 yrs at 6.5%
    weekly repayment $126.14
    annual cashflow out would be
    loan 6,559.28c
    rates 1,200
    insurance 200
    repairs budget 468
    total cash out $8427.28

    total cashflow…

    [Read more]

  • lizzy1 replied to the topic guidance sought in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    hi di,
    this sounds good to me 2. have you checked out all costs of doing it up and rental in the area.
    i have heard that it is better to buy the worst house in the best street for capital growth, maybe a wrap is also an option but it sounds good though
