littlelot replied to the topic Want to buy leasehold Motel in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell a year ago
There is no harm in knocking and asking. People (and brokers) do it every day.
your only issue is if it is a manager working for the owner you may not get a response as they may not speak to the owner often or will not want him to sell as they may lose their job
i sold a large motel in NSW to a guy who dropped in to speak with me but…[Read more]
littlelot replied to the topic Looking for JV partner to execute splitter block deals. in the forum Creative Investing 8 years ago
What area state would you be looking in
littlelot replied to the topic partnering my SMSF in buying a motel in the forum Commercial Property 12 years ago
All I need to do is join my funds with the SMSF funds and then obtain a bank loan for the balance and then structure it to appease the ATO. sounds complicated
littlelot replied to the topic partnering my SMSF in buying a motel in the forum Commercial Property 12 years ago
sorry I was a bit slack on the information provided. I am buying a leasehold motel and i am 52 years old and my SMSF strategy allows it. I will need to borrow further funds as well. Sole purpose test is to provide for my retirement in a few years. was hoping to do a unit trust of some type and use the SMSF as a part owner. Thanks…
littlelot replied to the topic motel lease purchase in the forum Commercial Property 13 years ago
Hi ross and jacqui, seems we are in the same boat, except I am moving from Qld in a few months to purchase a motel (leasehold or freehold) on the NSW South Coast. I have started communicating with a number of brokers including the possibility of a partnership. I as well have nil previous experience in motel industry but feel it will provide me…[Read more]
littlelot replied to the topic 200K and some baggage. What would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
depending on your point of view there is not much cheap on the GC at the moment. your negative suburbs you mention also include areas in Brisbane. are you prepared to commute that far? you will buy more around Brisbane for your money.most 3bdrm houses/townhouses are over $300k and thats the cheaper areas. for areas you might consider liv…[Read more]
littlelot replied to the topic 200K and some baggage. What would you do? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago
having "been there and done that" recently I throw my 2 cents to experience is we should have moved here and lived for 6 months or more before buying. to gauge areas, schools, traffic flow (or not) etc as the Gold Coast is very spread out.we brought the apartment and considered keeping it as an investment. the reality is the cash flow f…[Read more]
littlelot replied to the topic Group for investor newbies in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
reply for phobia and 2muchmoney
I am moving from South Coast NSW to southport QLD in January and would be interested in a group such as vivarto is organising
you can contact me at if we can organise somethinglittlelot replied to the topic Group for investor newbies in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago