littlelostkiwi replied to the topic I’m looking for advise for investing for my child’s future in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks for the posts everyonemattnz, you are right, I am a kiwi, however I live in Australia, and my wife and daughter are both Australian.Cheers
littlelostkiwi replied to the topic Can someone please clarify this question, regarding using shares as capital? in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Ok, thank you kindly Richard for the clarification.
littlelostkiwi replied to the topic Can someone please clarify this question, regarding using shares as capital? in the forum Hello there, and thank you 15 years ago
Hello there, and thank you for both the welcome and your post.I don't think I explained myself very well in my first post, so I will try with an actual example, using my situationI have a townhouse valued at 360k, for which I have a current loan of $210kI have shares values at $65k, for which I have a current loan of $50kI do not have any marginal…[Read more]