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  • lisamills replied to the topic Is there anything out there for about $210k worth investing in ??? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 4 months ago

    Catalyst wrote:

    lisamills wrote:
    My husband and I are considering starting a property portfolio and have calculated that we have about $40k in equity, which would mean a purchase price (keeping LVR to 80%) of about $210k (plus $10k in buy costs). We are wondering if there is anything out there that we could afford right now to start our…[Read more]

  • lisamills replied to the topic Are Destiny Financial Services the real deal? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks to those who have given me such a speedy response to my question. I think what I am hearing is that I need to do a bit more research for myself on comparing what Destiny will provide me with as opposed to doing it all myself…and how much this would save me. If anyone has any other books or websites that they suggest I read to give me some…[Read more]


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