LilMiss replied to the topic Help with making changes to ownership of investment property to improve tax claiming benefits in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks Terry,I will discuss with hubby and look into the other costs before working out what to do. Thanks again so much for your help
LilMiss replied to the topic Help with making changes to ownership of investment property to improve tax claiming benefits in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Terry, we didn't pay mortgage insurance when we financed the loans in 2006. I wonder if MI will apply. I'll check with my broker. Maybe it doesn't apply because of the equity I have in my PPOR? Which is approx 210K. Hmm, I will follow that up.So if I have understood correctly, you are thinking we will have to pay 7k stamp duty to change it to t…[Read more]
LilMiss replied to the topic Help with making changes to ownership of investment property to improve tax claiming benefits in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Duckster, Yes that is another thing I found out the hard way, I owed the Government money for excess family tax benefits claimed because I had no idea they took into account investment losses! I've since arranged to have $0 paid to me in family benefits so it be can worked out at tax time. I still can't get my head around that whole calculation.…[Read more]
LilMiss replied to the topic Help with making changes to ownership of investment property to improve tax claiming benefits in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks RichardJust a thought, would it cost more to change the ownership to my husbands name if I was able to go Guarantor? (like total fees with bank/settlement agents etc) as opposed to changing the ownership to Tenants in Common 99%/1%? And now I am also wondering, would tenants in common be better if we wanted to change the percentage ow…[Read more]