lilhazel replied to the topic Confused in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi everyone
Thanks for the advices. I have decided to buy a 2 bedroom unit around Dolls Point area. It’s 5 minutes walk to waterfront and it has a very nice residential feel to the suburb. The air feel great, the grasses feel great too !! lol . It’s a walk to bus stop and one bus stop away or 15-20 minutes walk to Coles and etc. Got it on the…[Read more]
lilhazel replied to the topic Confused in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
do you think i should start small from a 1 bedroom unit then? since the price for this one is in my budget and i can afford quite comfortably?
lilhazel replied to the topic Confused in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Thank you all.
Personally i would buy myself, start small, structure it correctly and go from there — Richard, how do I ensure that I structure it correctly ?