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  • lil_man replied to the topic Spiritual Books in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    thanks heaps guys, ill go to the library and find it then maybe ill even buy a couple!
    what am i saying?? of course ill buy em!

    keep ’em coming guys!


  • lil_man replied to the topic Closing costs in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thank u very much guys ill write them costs down and try to make sense of it all[confused2] but i think ive got it covered, thanks again!


  • lil_man replied to the topic Renovating Systems in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Thanks guys great help!


  • lil_man replied to the topic UnDeRaGeD InVeStInG? :S in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    thaaaaaanks sis!

    that helps heaps, im only 13 now but ill start the day i hit 16.

    i am already half way into the stock market, only a few more papers and things to sign!

  • lil_man replied to the topic UnDeRaGeD InVeStInG? :S in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago


    hahahhaha thats what i meant in the first place! i wasnt going to write her signature, she would do that but it would be her signature not mine. haha.

    that other strategy sounds good too monopoly.


  • lil_man replied to the topic UnDeRaGeD InVeStInG? :S in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago


    so what your saying is you used your parents signiture because you ccouldnt use you own?

    isnt that fraud?

    cheers, brady

  • lil_man replied to the topic UnDeRaGeD InVeStInG? :S in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    ohhhhh ok, thanx monopoly!

    so i have heard of people getting property underaged how is it done???

    cheers, brady

  • lil_man replied to the topic prices of cheap real estate in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    sorry about that,
    if anyone knows the city of warrnambool thats what im talking about.

    yo probably havent heard of it but if you have could you please help?

  • lil_man replied to the topic NO JOB??!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    hey man,

    well, thats what i thought[suave2]!
    Im going to uni when i finish school. THIS is EXACTLY the plan im goin to use to make some fast cash[suave]! If you read the book called Real Money Real Estate by bradley sugars it teaches you that this is called a quick cash deal.

    So if you’re asking if you can use a quick cash deal without a job the…[Read more]

  • lil_man replied to the topic school dillemma!!! in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    well thanks guys! i think ive heard nearly all the pros and cons there are on uni now!!! lol you’re all very nice people and thanks go out to you ALL!!!

    Cheers, Brady

  • lil_man replied to the topic To buy or not to buy??? in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    thanks guys for all your help you’ve all been great on this post and i can go out and save up and things will be great.[thumbsupanim]

    i have another post in the finance page called underage investing its based on the statement by superted

    Thanks Again you guys.

  • lil_man replied to the topic AdViSe NeEdEd!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    i actually thought that was a very important questions, what could be more important than getting your first investment home. i dont know enough about property yet and the only way im going to learn is to ask.[thumbsupanim] if people think the questions are minor or unimportant they dont have to answer them
    thanks mate…[Read more]

  • lil_man replied to the topic AdViSe NeEdEd!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    hey thanks.
    you know how you mentioned about refinancing before? what happens in the way of fees when you change banks?

  • lil_man replied to the topic AdViSe NeEdEd!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    hmmmm [offtopic] but once again del long time no hear.
    im sorry if i was a little hostile last time we came across each other i admit my mistakes and im sorry i was a bit hot headed.

    i think you could be a very good mentor towards me if only you got over the “x box” comments i actualy own a ps2 but im not ashamed at it so while we’re here lets…[Read more]

  • lil_man replied to the topic AdViSe NeEdEd!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    i didnt really make things clear i know. i am only thirteen and what i meant by when ive saved my money, was when i reach 18 and then invest.

    i have never heard of re financing but im already questioning things like, fees to change banks, and such, what are these dangers and how do i avaoid them

    brady [/font=Andale Mono][/font=Courier New]

  • lil_man replied to the topic To buy or not to buy??? in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    whats COCR[confused2]? by the way it sounds it could be a great way to start off my investment future[biggrin]. just to save you the time and effort i only need a link or something which could tell me more?

    cheers again, brady.[goatee]
