In trying to understand your initial point, I can see how a number of people would jump to conclusions that you probably did not mean to infer.
When one trys to simplify their point to a single statement, it often becomes cryptic. That then leaves your view open to interpretation.
It seems to me that you are using the view that “money is needed to do good” and using this as pro active motivation in your wealth accumulation….good on you. I think that this attitude may help you aid mankind for greater good.
And yes, I do agree that those who wish to do greater good in the world should be challenged to rise above defeatist comments like “money isn’t everything”, if they actually are. (I doubt anyone who replied in this thread would anyway).
It seems to me that this statement was taken out of context by the above replies and suddenly…#WHAM#…, conclusions were drawn that you were actually saying “money isn’t everything” to mean that “you need money to be successful”.
It is great that the majority of people on this forum are so focused on good, right and humanity.[biggrin]
It is a pity that this often blinds them, and onesided irrelevant rantings will follow a provocative post, which was actually meant to stir action and move people towards a better world.
At the end of the day, if this is a positive motivation for you, go with it and don’t let misinterpretation by others knock that out from under you.
Redwing and Aussie Rogue, try taking a step back from your goodie two shoes rantings and see that you may have jumped in with judgement rather than trying to understand what resiwealth meant.
But if the idea that it all comes around encourages people to do good, i’m all for it. whether it is hypocritical or not. Ignorance of the truth is bliss as they say, and i am all for making the world a better place[]
Positive thoughts are a virtue to hold dear………………………………………………[biggrin]
So SIS, my answer to you is that you should beleive in “karma”, whether it is true or not, as the world will be a better place for it.
……{looks off into distance with glazed eyes}…….[tired]
First of all “Karma is a word often misused and misunderstood. You really have to read some eastern religious texts to try to understand it. Your karma is more about building positive beliefs on events that happen (pleasant or unpleasant) rather than an expectation that the universe will give you presents if you are nice.
I used to be a big believer in the idea that if you are extra nice and good to the world, that will be repaid later on….this works well when you don’t actively engage the real world on a business/investing level.
However I have found through my personal experience, that the more I acted like a charity, the more I was treated like a charity. (ie: they keep expecting more, and there isn’t the donations coming in to fund this outflow.)
I am finding that the real world exists a lot like the jungle, where you do what you have to do to survive and prosper, otherwise someone else will walk over you. basic capitalism.
Of course, provide a service to mankind and you should be rewarded with profit….fair enough.
I have actually changed my beliefs since becoming a landlord and watching the world stage.
Living in a society that began by invading a country of harmless native wanderers and thrives through the killing of animals for meat, killing of trees for paper, invading of countries for oil(oh..sorry it was for the benefit of the Iraqi people. gee whiz… they are so much better off now, glad I trusted the media that invading a country was a good thing to do[dizzy])….. I can no longer pretend that I am nice…to do so seems hypocritical when anything given that does not dramatically reduce your standard of living seems to me to be a hollow act in the face of reality and others problems.
To truly be good, All or nothing. In between is being naive.
Not to take anything away from the nice acts people do, I just feel that most people simply do these as a way to make themselves feel good and then turn a blind eye to the greater evil that is being played.
5 bucks for the salvation army, and your hands are clean???????[angel]………… c’mon open your eyes.
Local Papers and Trading Post are good spots to look at how other private vendors advertise, you just need to make your ad look more appealing than the others [cool4]
I am wrapping properties I own (I have already rented them out in a co-housing scenario and will cop Capital Gains Tax (can be messy), I am trying to delay contract until I can get 50% discount for holding property for a year, in future I will just wrap straight away and have income treated as trading stock.
I am interviewing 4 couples tomorrow and am very hopeful.[biggrin]
wow, thats a big change of direction to end uni to begin investing sooner.
I never went to uni myself but started a trade from 18 years old. I found hands on work very rewarding the extra cash beat Austudy hands down.My uni going friends are only just starting to catch up wage-wise and we’re in our mid-late twenties (yup the twenties go quick!)
If you were to find Wrappees before the property, you would simply have to explain clearly the premium you would add onto the price the house was bought from agent. typical 18%, and explain that this was to cover the extra risk that the banks wouldn’t take on them and your loss of any appreciation in the value of the property. Of course if they pull out, you are still stuck with the property, so make sure you approve of the purchase 100%.
I am just finishing my first week of wrappee interviews. I have been lucky and had 30 calls from prospective wrappees, there are still a lot of people who cant get bank loans or deposits. The window of opportunity in VIC is wide open as the total money available from government is $12000 (until june 05), which has opened up the private vendor market with a lot of no deposit deals available.
I tried co-housing (uni accom.) properties with the aim of making good positive cashflow and keeping capital gains for profit and gearing more props.
My downfall came when I stuck to the letter of the law and included utilities in the package (impossible to individually meter them as the law requires) and kept households to less than 3 rooms to remain covered by insurance. You would be surprised at electricity bills when the users leave heaters on 24/7. eeeeeeek.
So I am now turning to wraps as my cashflow saviour, I imagine the key will be the same as renting….find a good reliable client.
And I agree with FW, don’t make your numbers too tight, there will always be unexpected costs.
“Hey LifeX – how do you plan on achieving inner peace? – would like to know more”
My answer,
I believe that the majority of suffering in the world does not come from external circumstances or physical situations. I subscribe to the idea that a disciplined and enlightened mind can banish your own personal suffering, and that you can be at peace no matter whats happening around you.
So to reach inner peace I simply need to spend time disciplining my mind. (ties in with study of different religious beleiefs and philosophies, meditation, increasing physical fitness and more ).
To maximise my time spent in this area over the total course of my life time, I want to become financially free asap, so I am putting in a lot of time into building enough wealth early so that I may spend more time later on in life focusing on the finer points of life and sharing this with others.
I believe this thread started with a humurous tangent at a public situation.
I also find mobs and lynchings to be preposterous comparison in this situation, to tell the truth, and so felt compelled to further take the piss when this was brought up.
…., hey why not go further and complain about political cartoonists that depict our politicians in a less than respectful way.
….. or ban any comedian that uses public issues to make jokes.
If you could not see the humour here, thats fine.
I ask if there really was judgement passed or a lighthearted humurous discussion with a few opinions.
Of course, it is so ridiculous that this was so, that by explaining myself I may have actually taken the bait thrown by a few stirrers and hung myself…. well….
if that is the case…..Tally Ho, and let the fun go on.
In Vic, this situation would not be taxed as trading stock as property was used for other purpose, initially rented out and only wrapped later on. Maybe it would just be called vendor financing at this stage.
But I think that if capital gains is treated separate to income as Terry pointed out, then the government wouldn’t actually pay me for making a sale,………oh well.
banned because he has bi-polar disorder?….or……evaded other incriminations with a document that states he has bi-polar, and as a calculated expense incurred a ban?…..
I am sorry, I should give rene the benefit of the doubt….I take it back…[dozey]
I found this on WA legal aid site…….
Landlords may also refer complaints to the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection
Head Office
219 St. Georges Terrace,
Perth Western Australia 6000
Locked Bag 14
Cloisters Square Western Australia 6850
General Advice Line: 1300 30 40 54 (cost of a local call)
For new enquiries and general advice
Click here for the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection’s web site
You may obtain assistance from:
Property Owners Association
97 Clement Street
Telephone: (08) 9384 7583
Landlords Advisory Service
Suite 5/ 16 Moreau Mews
Tel: (08) 9316 8533
Fax: (08) 9316 8522
If you wish to complain about the management of your property by a real estate agent, you should contact the Real Estate Institute of WA.
The Real Estate Institute of WA
215 Hay Street
Telephone: (08) 9380 8200
*Telephone enquiries 9-12 noon and 2-5pm only.
I beleive that if you let an agent dictate your offer terms, then it will be biased in THEIR favour. With little chance of leaving
If you are making a genuine offer, then you can afford to be firm and make your own terms.
I would put in -subject to a satisfactory property inspection at a minimum
The RE Agents equivalent is -subject to major structural defects, which is not so good for buyer. ie: what if it needs re-wiring ($5000 +), this is not really a major structural defect is it?, but would be hard to get out of.
Subject to the finance you want (if you intend to loan 95%), don’t use the likely RE Agents 80% finance clause. etc etc.
It is a balance, if you want to buy a lot of properties in a one agent town, then you don’t want to make a series of flippant offers and pull out at last minute. Agent would go cold for future dealings….
I would say use your template offer if it is pro-buyer (you).
Hi marissa,
I too beleive RE Agents often underperform.
Both to owner and to tenant.
As a tenant who always paid and kept property in good condition, I often moved on purely because I was sick of being treated like a second class citizen by nosy, rude, arrogant agents.
Hey!, after all my rent was putting money in the agents hands, the owners hands (and probably a bank). If I handed that kind of dough over as a Restaurant customer EVERY week, what kind of service do you think I would then get????
I manage my own properties, and I can tell you it is a quick learning curve.
Be prepared for middle of the night calls about emergencies that you will have to deal with there and then!!!!
Be prepared to chase up and keep an eye on rent payments
But above all, I beleive you can avoid most of the problems with tenants with proper due diligence!!!!!!!!!
Police check, Solid references,
(It may not really be the INTERNATIONAL CHIEF of spy operations at the end of that phone, and they may not even really work for the British Secret Service as a 00something Agent!),employer, bank manager, even a private landlord data base is better than nothing ( it is difficult to access the same defaulting tenant database that RE Agents use. Maybe a credit check.
Don’t be too soft either, I got myself into a bit of strife playing the “nice guy”, next thing you know….
“hi, how r u, um… Can I borrow $50 to feed the kids, the dog ate my pay this week…..”[blink]
Easy to put a trouble tenant in, hard to get them out.[cry]
Hard to find a good tenant , easy to get them out []
Neighbours could (and I have always found) been interested because:
a. you could be new neighbour, good to start off on the right foot.
b. If you are buying, they could get a feel for the value of their own property and neighbourhood.
c. And like simon says, country folk are “experts” on their own area and love to talk.
d. If you do end up buying, they know who to see about going halves in a new fence or cutting down a trees root systems.
Mutual benefit in talking to each other.
Anita, break on through that comfort zone, you will go places!!!
Oh, and if the real estate agent is giving you very poor service, I like the idea of a note to the seller detailing the poor service you received as a genuine buyer and a contact number.
Otherwise, I think it is frowned upon as an unethical practice to bypass RE Agent.
I recently discussed a partnership with a co-worker where we considered this scenario.
105% Loan split equally 2 ways
He put in 20% equity as security from his existing property.(silent money partner)
I do the running around and leg work.(time partner)
Split profit or loss 50/50
Note, I have already set up a few ip’s that are pos cashflow in the past.
Work out what you could bring to a partnership
(time,deposit equity/money,servicability,experience)
Then find someone who has what you lack (time,deposit equity/money, servicability,experience.)
Stariah, For what reasons can’t you do deal on your own? there are other ways to get around problems.
Easiest guarantor is Lenders Mortgage Insurance.
As an electrician I know those electric wall heaters cost mega bucks to run. I had a deal with a tenant where I paid (don’t ever try this at home) for electricity with one of these.
For example an average 40kw electric wall heater costs (at about 12c a kW/Hour) a staggering $4.80 per HOUR. YIKES.
One lady and a child only using it 5-6 hours a day rocked the electricity bill to over $1200 for 3 months. I now pay for firewood for the kinarra wood heater. She loves it and the house is a lot warmer.
And dont even ask how I got myself into paying for electricity, it is a long story about a new investor experimenting.
Hi Greg,
I would have thought that if he doesn’t refinance then you are better off as you are still making positive cashflow.
If you are worried about realising the premium at the exit end, then maybe you could reduce the selling price and increase the interest rate so as to make more during the wrap than at the end (ie: refinance).
When I myself, learned of the existence of our subconscious mind and the role it plays in our success or the lack of it, I was surprised to find in my subconscious, values that others had planted there over the course of many years.
This is something I am also unhappy about. If it weren’t for these little anti-values, I would have my own shiny red hover shoes…<gazes off dreamily>