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  • lexmarshall replied to the topic Westpac and Defence Force Housing in the forum General Property 18 years, 8 months ago

    One aspect no-one has mentioned. DHA put this portfolio out to tender. OK Westpac won the tender but it’s London Bridge to a pack of peanuts that they didn’t pay anything like the sort of prices that DHA has been asking from individual investors. And, perhaps, as a condition of their tender, Westpac declined to pay the exorbitant fees and charges…[Read more]

  • lexmarshall replied to the topic Where are you guys? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 4 months ago

    An option to include region/suburb/town would be useful.



  • lexmarshall replied to the topic would you buy this! 246k 400-525 pwk in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 4 months ago

    Am I missing something? Some of the figures don’t seem to make sense to me – such as “strata agent cost repairs costs between 20399-20919 per yr”.

    If that was the case I wouldn’t touch it.

  • lexmarshall replied to the topic would you buy this! 246k 400-525 pwk in the forum No Subject 21 years, 4 months ago

    found property in regional centre rent at moment 525pwk but if tenant moves could get 400-450 pwk at current rent income 27300 fix interest rate @6.25% strata agent cost repairs costs between 20399-20919 per yr borrow 100% so current profit 6381 but if leaves 400pwk 200 p/yr profit or 450 pwk gets 3001 per year, is 2br 2bathroom 1year old…

    [Read more]


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