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  • LeonieC replied to the topic First Renovation Project in the forum Hi Jacqui,
    14 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Jacqui,

    Laminated flooring is cheaper and very sturdy. It’s basically laminated wood on the top of chip board. I mop mine all the time and they are fine. Have had them in my flat for 7 years and they have lasted. However must say I’d only use them for rental properties and would always lay wood flooring for my own home.

    If your property…[Read more]

  • LeonieC replied to the topic Town house build property investment in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 2 months ago

    Hi There,

    You can find it on

    However I’m not sure if this website ships to Australia. I’m based in the UK, so not sure where abouts it would be in Oz. You could always ring Borders Book Store and see if they have it.

  • LeonieC replied to the topic Town house build property investment in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 2 months ago

    Couple of suggestions for you, as my partner is a building surveyor…

    1. No, don’t bother waiting

    2. You’ll need to reduce the ground water level to prevent the site from flooding. When you build a house on an empty site, you can get a high water level which results in dampness in the property. This book is worthwhile reading for some…[Read more]


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