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  • Leonard11 replied to the topic MyUSAProperty – Beware !!! in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago


    sorry I called you Rich please read previous Rich it is for you , I have seen your previous writings do I call them blogs recommending MyUSAproperty are you a referrer for them or a client

    If a client where did you buy what is your return net that is as I am curious and I am sure everyone else is to.

    I am 60 and new to Blogging and do you…[Read more]

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic further research for USA investing. in the forum Jayhinrichs
    Thanks mate keep
    14 years ago


    Thanks mate keep in touch any advice is welcome and taken on board

    There will always be people who will take an unrealistic view on returns v capital gain .

    In Australia if you get a good rental return you don’t get any capital gain

    If you get capital gain you don’t a good rental return most capital cities in Australia return net 1…[Read more]

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic USA investor from Melbourne in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    itsandrew Hi You are right buy when you are ready . And remember if you are in the market for an investment in America GOOD PROPERTY that can be researched in your own time GETS BOUGHT NOT SOLD . If you are been pressured you are been conned <moderator: delete advertising>Regards Leonard Wilton American Properties (02 ) 94390037 Web .…[Read more]

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic US Buyers Agents in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago


    Zillow is used as a useful cross reference to obtain a market feel it also has public records of previous sales in the states that allow disclosure .In the states that do allow public disclosure you can access public records.

    Yes the Zillow Zestimate can be way off base .The site is to be used for research only after a while you…[Read more]

  • HighincomeProperty Once again you are on the money ," Do you want job" plus people have to take into account the time spent getting a decent discount from the foreclosure bank and that is made a lot easier when you have the software to obtain the correct information banks try to hide . <moderator: delete advertising> Regards Leonard Wilton…[Read more]

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic Detroit, Michigan is SHRINKING! Beware in the forum HighincomeProperty
    I agree
    14 years ago

    HighincomeProperty I agree you are pretty much you are on the money it won't be long and our situation in Australia will more than likely drive the dollar down and as America recovers and stops spending like a Labor government the USD will rise against a falling AUD then refinance with USD as they will be tripping over themselves to lend us money…[Read more]

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic USA – Where to buy? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    <moderator: delete advertising>

  • Very sad for his family , Make safe investments and keep to the safe areas in cities and suburbs where working or retired middle America wants to life .


    Leonard Wilton

    American Properties

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic US Buyers Agents in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Hi Din The Same as Aussie fly, Do your research check out everything you are told and keep your wallet in your pocket until ..It all makes sense . Buy where Americans want to live if you want decent capital gain in 7 – 10 years, with double digit net rental return and don't deal with flippers ,renovation burglars or short sales ,buy property…[Read more]

  • Leonard11 replied to the topic offically mine in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    <moderator: delete advertising>
