leonard replied to the topic I have been asked for people willing to tell their ‘Ive been ripped off’ US RE story – Please help. in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Hullo lawsjs and all readers. I don't consider that I have been ripped off as such but there are some providers out there that do it more effectively than others. For myself I would never deal with the same agency again or recommend them but I would with some of those I have mentioned in this response. Read and heed. I purchased a property in…[Read more]
leonard replied to the topic USA Landlord Experiences so far. in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago
Hi Wobblysquare'Not all as rosey as it seems at times. I tried to post the following info but I am having trouble so I will just repeat it here and perhaps some one will get some benefit from it.>Michigan properties or any State for that matter Thinking of purchasing property in the USA? I believe it is a good idea but be careful.So think about…[Read more]