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  • LenK replied to the topic Advice needed in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago

    A friend had a lot of difficulty claiming the costs of vacant land. Seems that the ATO has to be convinced it could be a viable primary production business. Better check with a an accountant qualified in this area.Have fun!

  • LenK replied to the topic Signed subject to building and pest in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago

    James – you are able to walk from the contrace, provided you have done the necessary steps in notifying the agent/vendor of the problems in WRITING. Anything verbal is only worth what the other parties agree to at any time.Once again – get professional advice. And – good luck with the deal. Sounds like a fun one for you.

  • LenK replied to the topic Beginner Investor! in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago

    Rob – the interest only loan strategy is used by investors to increase the funding available.When banks work out what your elegibility is, they look at the LVR (loan to value ratio) and the DSR (debt service ratio). The second uses a calculation that sums yout total commitment in loan payments. As the payments on interest only loans is listed as…[Read more]

  • LenK replied to the topic Signed subject to building and pest in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 11 months ago

    James007 – going by what you have said you probably need to get a professional opinion. The vendor is entitled to up 10% of the purchase price if you terninate a contract without proper cause. While it sounds as if you have the right of it, there is no telling what the legal interpretation would be. I would suggest getting immiediate help.Luke.. Len

  • LenK replied to the topic Off the Plan purchase…needs to on sell in the forum Lidia –
    onselling is a
    17 years, 3 months ago

    Lidia – onselling is a common part of otp dealings. Easiest for you is to simply contact the agent/organisation that arranged your initial purchase. They will happily act as your agents in this matter. Of course, you are more likely to have some success if all of the otp units in the development have already been sold.The actual process is that…[Read more]

  • LenK replied to the topic Bought first IP, but need help on what next! in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago

    Good luck with the new IP. Your contract documents should tell you abut the Body Coprorate. It is basically responsible for all common areas as well as the building(s).  That includes all of the maintenancce and nsurance including public liability. You will need to take out your own insuranve for fixtures & fittings (stove, carpet, etc>) as well…[Read more]

  • LenK replied to the topic What are those baby boomers going to do? in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago

    As someone sitting near the bleeding edge of this ‘baby-boomer’ phenomenon, perhaps some of them are doing what the remainder of the forum dwellers are doing.

    1. Trying to buy back their time with astute investment.
    2. have already sold the former family house
    3. embarking on a property investment to improve inadequate super
    4. not looking…[Read more]


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