laughing Max replied to the topic Unlocking superannuation funds in the forum Finance 19 years ago
Thanks for asking this question. Whilst I cannot shed any light on an answer for you I too appreciate the information given as I didn’t understand how to invest this way.
[biggrin]Laughing Max
laughing Max replied to the topic How much to increase rent on IPs in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
With the IP I have the rents go up periodically on the advice from my property managers. It can be 6months or 12months depending on certain things such as improving your property to make the tennant more comfortable. Personally my properties tend to have the same tennants in them that I had when I purchased them and whilst I know I’m very…[Read more]
laughing Max replied to the topic Agent finds tenant, you not impressed in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi MK,
I let my Property Manager handle my properties when I first buy them. He does a stringent test including a police check, past tenancy Aust. check & a couple of reference checks. So far I’ve been most impressed – maybe lucky but we’ve not had a tennant leave any of our properties over the past 3 years.
Laughing Max[exhappy]Laughing Max