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Kylie E

  • Kylie E replied to the topic Canberra property investors in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hey fellow Canberrans!

    I am also very interested in getting together with all of you to bump ideas past one another.
    I tried the email address of Ed [email protected]
    But it was undeliverable.[glum]
    Any future ideas of what people are going to do to get this all moving would be much appreciated.


    Whatever you can do, or dream you…[Read more]

  • Kylie E replied to the topic Student accommodation in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Hello MarkyMark,

    I am gonna put my 2 cents worth on living in this type of accomodation.
    Myself and my partner have separately lived in large buildings with a whole heap of other people. They were all different ages and from all different backgrounds.
    Here’s the bad news, noone gave a damn. If you get a bunch of people together living in an area…[Read more]

  • Kylie E replied to the topic Advice please! in the forum General Property 20 years, 7 months ago

    Howdy partners!

    Thanks so much to Derek, MarkyMark and Russ. You have all put good points towards me.
    I have a plan so far but no time line. My plan is to supplement my current job until I can stop working for a “boss”, ASAP would be nice.
    I am only more confident in the ASX because of the small layout of money to get started and because I have…[Read more]

Kylie E

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