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  • kwarrior replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 2 months ago

    Very Interesting….ahem! I have an appointment with them soon…all I want to know is this NRAS stuff…For those that had their first meeting with them, were they helpful in understanding this NRAS ?Thanks

  • kwarrior replied to the topic Landlords Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    AAMI has to pay for all those "savings" ads they put up on TV…Try EBM…( They have a good Landlord cover together with Building and Contents….and compare well with RACV (here in Vic)…Good Luck

  • Try…but you will have to pay for what they claim to be 90% accurate forecast and growth figures!!!

  • kwarrior replied to the topic Do I as an individual need to form a “Trust” ? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 2 months ago

    ErikH wrote:
    KW I struggled with this one for quite while myself. We bought our first few IP's in our own name but have since started using multiple trusts (which in QLD can help you to avoid paying land tax). You need to consider what you want to achieve with your structure: asset protection, tax minimisation or estate planning or some…[Read more]

  • kwarrior replied to the topic Do I as an individual need to form a “Trust” ? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all…So much good advice there….many many thanks…Ok, as Aphex says, I will have to go ahead and create a Company ….become the Director, and then the Company becomes the trustee of the Trust (is this a Unit Trust or a Property Investor Trust?).And would this allow me to take advantage of the Neg Gearing initially ?And would I need to…[Read more]

  • kwarrior replied to the topic Do I as an individual need to form a “Trust” ? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 2 months ago

    Company / Trust….I read about this from Chan and Naylor….Simple background…so I know guys like Richard (who posted above and I found him to be very helpful with his comments for other subjects)…I own my home, worth 500K…and have just created a Line of Credit on it (in my name) with a Bank for a limit of 400K. I also have a 100K that I…[Read more]

  • Many thanks Guys…you would have guessed, that I had an off-the-plan property in mind….though I am not sure if it is in a place that has high demand…It certainly is in an area that has loads of building activity…and from the rentals (as viewed on these seem to be upwards of 250K…Eventually there will be many houses to…[Read more]

  • Hey..that was good input….The problem is…not so much good builders or not so good builders…it the brokers who hover around looking for a piece of my dollars !! That itself, should persuade me to go after established places…One question though….what about Depreciation…? Do you try and procure places that are fairly new maximise…[Read more]

  • Many thanks for your offer…Again, I might be "new"…but after doing the rounds of people "offering" the "best" advice (which is usually based on what they promote!!)…I have decided to do most of my investing on my own…..with a "mentor"…who is not one individual, but a whole host of people, forums, education, etc. So I am a bit wary of…[Read more]

  • kwarrior replied to the topic Depreciation and tax benefits in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 3 months ago

    I am no expert, but I have been doing my homework these past couple of months…(due dilligence..some would call it!!)The price you pay for your property or the Rental income you get from it has NOTHING to do with Depreciation. The value of the building, as evaluated by a Quality Surveyor, whose jurisdicition I am yet to determine (I did say I am…[Read more]

  • kwarrior replied to the topic Using Investment Detective in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

    Investment Detective wrote:
    Hi bruham Sorry you didn't have a good experience with ID, I have worked hard to create a program for the widest range of users, I don't recall getting an email from you about your problems. I would love to hear about the issues you had as every problem I hear about helps me make ID better. Also, if you are that…[Read more]


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