Kuradji replied to the topic House on a Truck in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
u pm ‘d once. How do I pm Kylie for some more advice?Kuradji replied to the topic House on a Truck in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Hi Kylie,
I would like to PM you for some more info and tips, but I cant see how to PM on this site???
Anyone can jump in here – how do I PM?thanks
K/Kuradji replied to the topic House on a Truck in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Hi Kylie,
Thanks for your advice.I have now engaged HouseMovers from Wisemans Ferry.
Has anyone had any dealings with them?
So far I have been convinced they know their stuff.I am quite apprehensive about this little “adventure”.
I have heard about people who have done this and it seemed to go OK..But of course there are disaster stories for…[Read more]
Kuradji replied to the topic Chan & Naylor Accountants – Reviews? in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
I used the Sydney mob. (Pymble)
Paid the $500-ish for the financial assessment.
It took 2 hours and the guy was very personable, but I got nothing out of it.
Also you have to fill out forms so they know everything about you before you go, but of course in my case the guy I was supposed to see was replaced at the last moment with someone else…[Read more]Kuradji replied to the topic Trust and tax documents frozen in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
To the sound of raucous laughter – guess what has
materialised in my mailbox?????????????
You’ll never guess,or you might….
a whole brick-pit of Trust Deeds and documents.
No cover note,
No explanation.No apology (LOL!!!)
thanks to all,Lesson-Learned_Move_On Time.
Kuradji replied to the topic Trust and tax documents frozen in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Hi, I am based in NSW,
But they are in Qld.
They came so highly recommended, and I had so little luck finding anyone in NSW**** who knew anything about SMSF buying property – and establishing Trusts and Tax effectiveness that I actually flew up for the day in November to see this woman and her “team”.
By god I would seriously love to name her…[Read more]Kuradji replied to the topic “property managers” too busy to manage properties! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years ago
In the spirit of being helpful: Avoid LJHooker at Epping, (Sydney).
A few months back I would have enjoyed writing a long tale-of-woe about my experience with this crew.
But I second and third the gripes people’s posts here document.I was actually told “Do you know how many properties we have to manage: We cant possibly check on all of…[Read more]
Kuradji replied to the topic SMSF + other trusts – which bank account is best in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Thanks Terry,
oh and an even bigger thank you for not suggesting I google…
Kuradji replied to the topic Crap Property Managers in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi Tuggerwaugh,
Cant offer anything but “me too” with regard to aggravation with Property Managers.
2009 has been a comedy of errors from the clowns I have at the moment.
One tenant vacated Dec 22 and I took the opportunity to inspect the property and interview a new agent while the existing agent was hovering.
Made no difference – the existing…[Read more]Kuradji replied to the topic Double dip “W” – Recession (the pessimists will love this !) in the forum Heads Up! 15 years ago
Nouriel Roubini – Professor of Economics at Yale has ALWAYS said it will be a “W” recovery.
He is no bandwagon rider – he has been at the forefront of the predictions since I have been reading his blog since 2005.In Q1 Q2 2007 the NYTimes lampooned him as a “Dr Doom” has he was predicting a dramatic downturn for 2007. He was describing the US…[Read more]
Kuradji replied to the topic Weekend Seminar- Ticket in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
What seminar?
Where?Sunday – Sydney (Where) (time)?
If you catch me in the next 15mins Ii might be a goer
Kuradji replied to the topic SMSF Trust Deed in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks Shane NP and TerryW.
Will follow the links you have offered.Much appreciated.
Kuradji replied to the topic SMSF Trust Deed in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Anyone with 2c worth to add to this??
Anyone with a SMSF Trust Deed? What’s good – what is a must have?
any peals of wisdom from those further along the path?
Would much appreciate some comments
Kuradji replied to the topic SMSF Trust Deed in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I am in Sydney.Kuradji replied to the topic Smoke alarm maintenance in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Reading this last post – I found it unkind, unhelpful, and … unnecessary.businessglobal…. I was sympathetic to read about your unfortunate circumstances and understand why you are more cautious now.
Kuradji replied to the topic Balustrade – Aust Standards in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
Hi thecrest,
Yes – I myself discovered the damage when I went along for a property inspection just this month.
I had been living out of Syd for a couple of years and had not been inside the property for about 5 years – but paying handsomely for PM.
(I am a “platinum” level landlord, so pay top $$$ in anticipation of top level service !!)…[Read more]Kuradji replied to the topic Balustrade – Aust Standards in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
Thanks for these list of questions. I will cut and past and email them to my Managing Agent right now!!.
These agents have placed the tenants. I have had these agents about 5-7 years now.I am in NSW northwest Sydney area
Say it was the tenantsbefore this lot that damaged the balcony – their bond presumably has been refunded, so the…[Read more]
Kuradji replied to the topic Balustrade – Aust Standards in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
Without blowing a fuse here – the agent is uncertain if it was this or the previous tenants who did the damage.
I know I know I know about changing agents. Thing is – these are the agents AFTER I changed agents previously.
They are on notice and they now have themselves a great property manager who is working hard now to…[Read more]Kuradji replied to the topic Balustrade – AS code ?? in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Thanks Duckster
Appreciate the heads up.
Kuradji replied to the topic Offset Acccounts in the forum Finance 16 years ago
I’d like to come in here and get some clarity, if I can.
I have a $200k loan against my IP. I have $50k IO fixed and $150k variable offset.
I believe I am personally responsible for interest rates going to 9% in 08 – this coincided precisely with me stretched to the max.
I have been throwing money at the loan to get it paid right down. I like a…[Read more]- Load More