ksherwell replied to the topic Bankwest Premium Home Loan in the forum Finance 13 years, 11 months ago
have a look at St.George, they are giving a 6.8% interest rate for 1st year and heavy discounts there after.
ksherwell replied to the topic Australian Credit Licence in the forum Creative Investing 13 years, 12 months ago
I have come across a group that will accredit groups in credit Representatives for $700 per year.
If interested personal message meksherwell replied to the topic what is the best site to advertise my house on? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 12 months ago
Being an ex agent myself, I only placed owners on Realestate and domain. the others dont generate any leads.
Just be aware of inflated internet prices, each agent will give you different costs and In most cases you can get it for free as the agents pay by monthly fee not per property.ksherwell replied to the topic Refinancing in the forum Finance 13 years, 12 months ago
rhianna wrote:
Does anyone know if the banks accept a letter from employer when refinancing. Going back to work shortly after mat leave, i have a letter stating my salary and return to work date but no payslips as yet.rhianna most banks will be happy with this. Which lender are you going to?
ksherwell replied to the topic Which Option is better? in the forum Finance 13 years, 12 months ago
I suggest option 2, as you dont have to go into your own savings
ksherwell replied to the topic Loan Approval for Auction Property in the forum Finance 13 years, 12 months ago
Magic32 you are right there, you can only work off the pre-approval. Do you know which lender you are going with?
ksherwell replied to the topic Building 44 Units in the forum Commercial Property 13 years, 12 months ago
I was a commercial lending manger for NAB, we did it up to 70% (including land value in calculation)
ksherwell replied to the topic Mortgage break cost nullification – When? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Here is what the article e-mailed to me by a NAB mobile banker says:-
You may have seen the article in the paper over the weekend discussing NAB targeting CBA and Westpac clients in regards to refinancing and covering exit fee charges.
In order to do this, we have extended our $1000 Cashback offer and will be offering this to any clients who…[Read more]
ksherwell replied to the topic Mortgage break cost nullification – When? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Qlds007 wrote:
Kane i think you will find the NAB offer is only $700.Of course many lenders dont charge an application fee or ongoing fees so they may prove to be more attractive than a mere financial incentive to move.With regards to the proposed banning of exit fees this has been muted by the Fed Govt however is under opposition from everyone…[Read more]ksherwell replied to the topic Mortgage break cost nullification – When? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
St George are offering $700
CBA $1200
NAB $1000ksherwell replied to the topic 90-95-100% finance in the forum Finance 14 years ago
CBA are now doing 95%
ksherwell replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers verses doing it yourself in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Qlds007 wrote:
Really i didnt realise Gadens Solicitors created NCCP (I will assume you had a typing error in your response) i thought it was a Government legislation administered by ASIC. Shows how wrong you can be.Even with 10 lenders i still cant see how you can be offering a wide choice of lenders.Wonder why we get so many calls and emails…[Read more]ksherwell replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers verses doing it yourself in the forum Qlds007 wrote:
Kane with 14 years agoQlds007 wrote:
Kane with only 6 lenders on your panel i dont believe you are getting clients the best deal possible.Be interested to see how you get around NCPP with that kind of statement.CheersYours in FinanceHi Richard
Thank you for your comment, I have all the major lenders on board with a further 4 2nd tiers coming in the next few…[Read more]
ksherwell replied to the topic Assessing available equity without applying for a new loan in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Hi emptyvessel
I would advise going to your mortgage broker and getting the vals done for free to assess your equity. The broker will be able to assist you without creating an application.
ksherwell replied to the topic maximum gearing and ‘moving’ equity in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Hi Mjjg,
I agree with Terryw, in regards to 80% lend, CBA have just upped their LVR to 95% and for a low rate look at St George who are offering 1% off.
ksherwell replied to the topic Pest Inspection in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
As an ex real estate agent, I have heard some horror story's, this should be on top of your list before purchasing, as well as a building inspection. You never know what lays beneath or in between the walls. regards
ksherwell replied to the topic Getting the right rent in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Ummester, As an ex real estate agent, I have never heard of Agents collecting fees when a place is not tenanted. They charge you letting fees, but not holding fees when empty. regards
ksherwell replied to the topic Mortgage Brokers verses doing it yourself in the forum Hi 4jojo, It depends on your 14 years ago
Hi 4jojo, It depends on your situation. If you are self employed and have a need for your application to be prettied up, I would suggest a broker. If its straight forward, it pays to shop around, especially if you don't have a relationship with a broker. I suggest shopping around and then sourcing your chosen lenders mobile banker. They are…[Read more]
ksherwell replied to the topic Market interest rates in the forum Hi Property Boy, I’m not a 14 years ago
Hi Property Boy, I'm not a broker, or a lender I'm a referrer, with a cash back refund model. St.George for a limited time are offering 6.8%, plus $700 to refinance. We get paid 'finders fees' by all lenders as we have direct agreements with them, I then refund 65% commission back to the borrow in this case you. for $1.1mil, you will get $2145 +…[Read more]