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  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Investing in Gleneagle (1hr from Brisisie) in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Hi SK2,

    You must be looking for future cap growth, because $280-$300pw yields will not come close to paying for your $350,000 investment.

    Therefore, lets look at your chances.

    From experience new sub-divisions take at least 3-5 years to see any form of cap growth (Especially in the current Brizzy market). This is because the land developers…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic slack RE salesman ! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I am a RE agent, you can just act really interested in the property and say you want a copy of the contract for sale to go over the details of the S149 and sewer etc,and check for easements. You will then be handed the contract with the vendors name and postal address on the front page from the agent…easy![biggrin]

    Higly Motivated Investor

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Regional commercial +CF! Should I buy? in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago

    Hi all, thanks for your replies, it is great to hear some different points of view.

    The property is in a growing township benefitting from rich farming industry of beef & cattle auctions, mangoes, tea, and tourism just to name a few.

    My finance is all at the ready, but I am buying an investment to pay for it self, so I can not pay for it if it…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Realestate agents selling their properties in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I think there is always a great place to buy, in whatever market we are in.

    For instance, a few years ago sydney was the place to buy, then QLD was hot because sydney and melbourne investors/retirees were moving north for lifestyle and market reasons, now it is WA & NT and only minimal parts of QLD, now that the market has hit the bottom of the…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic HOW TO PAY OFF A $250K PROP IN < 10YEARS? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Obviously everyone out there has a different situation their in, and also a different mindset. Some are comfortable to be more aggressive than others with their portfolios and some aren’t.

    I personally agree with Dazzling & MH, I am looking to be more aggressive with my plans, some of the people out there are not educated enough to feel…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Risky housing market in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Do you think the QLD market has now lost its charm or do you feel it is worth buying for the future population and economic growth predictions, ie south east QLD draft?

    Higly Motivated Investor

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Living on a LOC! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the heads up Mobile mortgage,

    that thread is just what i wanted to know.

    Thanx. [biggrin]

    Higly Motivated Investor

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic commercial syndicate vs self in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Of course another angle is to say that the syndicate can buy $15million buildings with multi national tenants, but if you have tenants paying $1,500,000 P.a to lease a premises.

    Either alot of individual shops or alot of warehouse space, and they leave, it may be difficult to lease to another mult national tenant with the resourses to fund such…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic commercial syndicate vs self in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Dazzling is right

    Considering the size of your purchase, you want to make sure your in control of your asset, the more people with a say, the more problems may arise when it comes to descision time. Just like the saying goes “To many chiefs, not enough indians”

    At the end of the day, “Risk equals return” and no matter how much return you want,…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Honest Opinon Needed… in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Pabbs,

    I would probably suggest to save your money and stay away from these real estate secrets stuff. I have seen a couple of them, just so I could see if I was missing any strategies or loop holes etc. They all claim to tell you the “get rich quick” schemes and “secrets of the rich no one knows about”, it is big business out there and they…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic books books and more books in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    +Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki, and his hole series
    +real estate riches by Dolf De Roos (Rich Dad series)
    +$10 million in proeprty in 10 years, Peter Spann
    +Wealth creation (Red Ferarri on cover), Peter Spann
    +0-130 Properties in 3.5 years, Steve Mcknight
    +$1,000,000 in Property in 1 year, Steve Mcknight
    +Margaret Lomas’ books are good…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Research…Where to start? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    That is great news Jenny, well done. It is uncanny you live so close to my area. The Terrigal market is expensive and it has performed exceptionally well, I have built up plenty of equity. I am now looking for property that makes money from day one, my buying strategy will be positive cashflow based, also incorporating multiple aquisitions as…[Read more]

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Research…Where to start? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    What do you mean by “a ring fence”? I’m not familiar with that terminoligy or phrase, I would probably know or have heard of the strategy you are talking about though, just might be called a different name.

    Ben Purdue

  • KRUPTA replied to the topic Research…Where to start? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I research the local market everyday, as I said I am a realestate agent, but living on the eastcoast line of nsw near sydney, this property is extremely expensive and it is extremely difficult to implement steve’s strategies. I also want to buy out of my state due to land tax implications. I prefer to keep the costs down and start off with smaller…[Read more]