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  • KrookFamily replied to the topic property investing jargon in the forum General Property 18 years, 10 months ago

    Great idea! I’d like to know not only what the acronyms stand for, but what they mean. For example, I see “LOC” mentioned constantly in the forums. I think it might stand for “line of credit”, but I’m not sure, and I don’t know what a line of credit is anyway.


  • KrookFamily replied to the topic European laundries in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 10 months ago

    Having spent many years living in Europe, I think the “European laundry” is a great idea. I’ve also seen them used in a number of new Qld apartments and project homes. I think most people would prefer an additional bathroom rather than a large laundry. If you were renovating an apartment or very small house then I’d endorse making the laundry as…[Read more]


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