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  • BuyersAgent replied to the topic Buyers agent/property investment services in the forum General Property 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hi @kristymckee12

    As others have said when choosing locations finances are a pretty big first step to narrow the hunt. Someone like Jamie Moore (who posted above) would be a good choice he is very reputable, friendly and I have seen him get results.

    If you are focussed on inner city apartments and can afford these, I can confirm Metropole do a…[Read more]

  • BuyersAgent replied to the topic Buyers agent/property investment services in the forum General Property 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hi @kristymckee12

    As others have said when choosing locations finances are a pretty big first step to narrow the hunt.

    If you are focussed on inner city apartments and can afford these, I can confirm Metropole do a good job and should offer a consistent service in Melb, Syd, Bris. I have a friend who has just used them in Syd and Bris and is…[Read more]


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