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  • kristyadams replied to the topic To Sell or Hold in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 7 months ago

    Hello JI am in much the same boat as to hold or sell.  We have a rental property which we need to chip in $40 each week.  We had an offer the other day from someone to buy it, which would make $50,000 profit in 1.5 years.  Although our delemna is that the area is zoned industrial and industrial is becoming harder to find in this area so we were…[Read more]

  • kristyadams replied to the topic SE Queensland Help! in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 7 months ago

    HelloThank you for your replies, one of my concerns also about that area is that they have no water, though I suppose you still have to live somewhere and it is going ahead there so it must not be too much of a problem.Thanks againKristy


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