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  • KRISSY SPARKLES replied to the topic Expensive Property Managment fees?? in the forum OMG LOOK SOME WHERE ELSE, 14 years, 7 months ago

    OMG LOOK SOME WHERE ELSE, nego with your Property Manager, ours is 8.5% 1 week letting fee and 1/2 that when renewing $5 p/p for , do your research, ask question lots of them, do they do their paper work on adl forms or on a hand held scanner adl system ????? is it made of GOLD lol.  $55 per hour if we go to court for you though the RTA, ring the…[Read more]

  • KRISSY SPARKLES replied to the topic To stick with Rental Manager or do it myself???? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Jess,That is a good rate, ours is 8.5% and I know in some places on the coast is 12%, do your research, check out your Real Estate ask lots of questions, check out others in your town, your Real Estate should have given you a pack from the RTA with all the rules and regulations if not ask for it,  You can do it yourself by ringing the RTA, but…[Read more]

  • KRISSY SPARKLES replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum General Property 14 years, 7 months ago

    MICK, Sorry you feel that way about Real Estate in Moura, but have you really done your research?????? Check out my sales over the past 6 months, look really look and ask my  happy clients when I have sold their property when the market was on the down turn, and lots of the communitiy looking at the doom and gloom, working all hours day and nigh…[Read more]

  • KRISSY SPARKLES replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum BananA has a 24 hour Truck 14 years, 10 months ago

    BananA has a 24 hour Truck Stop Service Station, Post Office, Great School, if the kids are in high school they catch a bus to Moura 10 minutes away, Hotel with rooms Drive though, Caravan Park, there is lots of cheap land.  I have sold 4 so far in 4 months.  45 mins to Baralaba, 40 mins to Biloela, 10 mins to Moura/Dawson Mines. 1 1/2 hours t…[Read more]


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