kris07 replied to the topic Thoughts on Ballarat? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago
Hi Emma,
Sounds like you have all the analysis about Ballarat covered.
I think Ballarat has a lot of potential given it is only a little over 100km’s from Melbourne with great infrastructure.
The areas you mentioned are on the money. Keep it low maintenance, period and central and you will be rewarded.
Just had a quick look at stock and…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic Property Development contract in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Thanks for the response.
Do you have some advice, in terms of common mistakes your clients make during the development process?
kris07 replied to the topic Property Development contract in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
The contract is to ultimately build. The land is already purchased whereby I am receiving rent from the existing property.
kris07 replied to the topic Investing in Ballarat in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Shame Steve McKnight hasn’t responded to your comment ‘the crest’…
Would be interesting to obtain Steve’s view on Ballarat
kris07 replied to the topic Investing in Ballarat in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Interested to hear how you went with Ballarat ‘Joy_Full’?
Noticed in the state budget which was quite a tight one that Ballarat was one of the winners – receiving $120M for investments in hospitals, roads etc.
Interestingly in the same week council approved the re-zoning of land to allow for the UB Tech expansion ($155M) which will create…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic Unit Development – Architect Costs Need your validation in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Thanks Mattnz.
In terms of additional costs, what are the things I should be weary of to manage risk? Are there standard terms that you normally use?
kris07 replied to the topic First Unit Development in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Hi Richard,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Why can’t the land be strata titled before the completion of the project? Vic regulation?
kris07 replied to the topic ANZ’s position on Negative Gearing in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
@ Shape
Whilst some of your points are valid, namely how NG may affects banks. The banks have ultimately taken this risk on as they have an appetite for such risk (whether the basis for this justifiable is another debate) . As the banks have transparency over the cashflow position of investors or any borrower for that matter, they can choose to…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic Is Leumeah, NSW a good investment in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I know Leumeah quite well and would never invest there.
Whilst the numbers from a yield perspective may look half decent, CG will be extremely modest.
From a risk vs return perspective it simply does not stack up. You’re dealing with a low end demographic which exposes you to higher risks and the CG’s don’t compensate for that. I don’t have a…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic [Property Developers] Read This… if you dare haha in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Great advice Kent. Very well considered.
kris07 replied to the topic Investment proposition in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Just came across this article which I thought I would share with everyone which outlines funding coming into Ballarat as a result of the state governments recent budget announcement:
kris07 replied to the topic Opinions on best suburbs under $500K in Aus?? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
I would have to agree with Ladyhawk, Ballarat is certainly one to look out for.
Geelong is doing very well also.
kris07 replied to the topic Investment proposition in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Sorry not familiar with Creswick.
kris07 replied to the topic Investment proposition in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Thank you JacM:
Areas such as Soldiers Hill, Newington, Ballarat Central and Ballarat East (north of Victoria St) are where you will find Ballarats prime real estate which are close to the major facilities and you are more likely to get a better quality tenant in these areas. Drummond St North (Ballarat Central) is extremely sought after,…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic Investment proposition in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
In regards to Ballarat, it has been on my raydar for the last 18 months and I’ve actually just purchased 3 IPs there.
I believe it ticks all the boxes in terms of yields and cap growth. It has good infrastructure – rail, hospitals, unis, quality schools etc. As mentioned above, the regional rail link which is in the pipeline at the moment will…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic Cant charge water usage to the tenant in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
My IP is in Victoria.
Not sure what the issue is if you have made the tenant aware of the requirement prior to commencing the lease. No issues if its mutually agreed.
kris07 replied to the topic Cant charge water usage to the tenant in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
I had the same issue. As mentioned above the payback period to implement the separation is too great.
As a result I made it part of the tenancy agreement that the tenant shall be liable for usage. Had no issues with this approach.
kris07 replied to the topic Investing in Brisbane Fortitude valley Ann St and/or Melbourne west CBD a good idea? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Rental yields are very poor in west melbourne at the moment, despite the substantial growth in the west.
Have a look at Regional Victoria, particularly in Regional Western Victoria as prices are starting to increase as a result of government investment and the substantial growth that is taking place in Melbournes West. Areas like Ballarat are…[Read more]
kris07 replied to the topic good area under $200k in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Look into Melbourne Regional centers like Ballarat. Low vacancy rates 1% and great yields of 6%+. The area us about to take off with lots of govt funding. Worth a look. Wendouree or Ballarat East would suite your budget.
Good luck
kris07 replied to the topic What suburbs in VIC & QLD would you recommend investing/buying in? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
With Westfield and Highpoint .. these dominate the retailing landscape and create a CBD in its own right.
I’d question obtaining advice from someone that seems to think that a collection of retails stores ie Westfields constitutes a CBD?? Very interesting indeed.
The reason why these areas, particularly Maribyrong have done well is because of…[Read more]
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