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  • krc306 replied to the topic Positive geared properties in 2011? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 7 months ago

    JacM wrote:

    joeandchels wrote:
    There is no secret that property prices are at a all time high, in my opinion we will probably see a crash in prices in the following years as did other countries have following a "bubble".

    Doom! Gloom! Doom! Gloom!Seriously, not sure why this concept keeps coming up.  Property is a supply and demand thing.  D…[Read more]

  • krc306 replied to the topic No Housing Bubble in Australia…is there? in the forum DWolfe wrote:Well, the big 13 years, 10 months ago

    DWolfe wrote:
    Well, the big development companies have made buckets. AV Jennings and Stockland have made a giant profit.Bubble? Pop? Where?D

    More specifically, when? Having mainly traded shares, I'm kind of new to property. I don't own a house but I have been researching it for at least 5 years now (It is one the biggest decisions one can…[Read more]


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