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  • kowhai replied to the topic My Situation: Can I get a loan? in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    If I was to give a gift of a deposit to a person similar to DaveW to help them out with a condition attached to it would a bank lend? the condition would be that the 10% gift was repaid upon revaluation after one to two years with a percentage more for the gift

  • kowhai replied to the topic investment structure in NZ in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi I’m doing the same found an accountant in Auckland from the site. My brother in nz has a trust that he buys with but the company owns the trust it is a LAQC. He is a kiwi though are you?

  • kowhai replied to the topic Finnding right financier and solicitor in NZ in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Hi Property Guru how can I get an oz loan for a property in NZ? all help appreciated
