Hey guys,I just had a few more questions about using a Family Trust structure1) Who can you include as beneficiaries of the trust? Is it limited to your wife and children? Or if you are not married, can you include your girlfriend? Brothers/sisters? Parents? Grandparents? 2) Would a Family Trust be a good entity to purchase shares under? 3) Should…[Read more]
Heya Clint,Provided you no issues with finances and sharing your profits, you should consider teaming up with another investor who has a lot of time on his/her hands, and/or ask for a longer settlement date e.g. 6-12monthsRegards,Kong
===============To Laurent===============Thanks, that helped a lot ===============To Ally 11===============Yes.. I was thinking of getting a $20,000-$50,000 cash advance on one credit card, and then transferring it to a new Suncorp Clear Platinum card, which charges 3.9% pa for life of the balance. However there is a clause in the contract, which…[Read more]
Hi Vincent,Thanks for bringing this topic up – I've been thinking about investing in US properties for some time now, but most people I have talked to (including friends/family) think it is a stupid thing to do, and that I would be better off investing here in Australia even if it means paying 10x the amount of US properties. Although I try not to…[Read more]
AndrewH wrote:
He recons he can gurantee 10% per annum return ATLEAST!, the prob is his Fee is $45,000, he says he will do all the paper work from the bank, solicitors, purchase of the property , looking after the property, rental tentants, insurance Etc. He works with around 8 people, who have been in the investing industry for a long time now.…[Read more]
Hi guys,I have recently finished reading 'Guide to investing in Gold & Silver' by Michael Maloney, a Rich Dad Advisor, and I highly recommend it to all investors out there, especially if they are considering investing in gold/silverRegards,Kong
Hi mattnz,Thanks for your words of wisdom I agree with you… Silver is highly undervalued, and likely to be the best performing commodity in the next few decades – For this reason, I intend to purchase as much silver as possible during the next few years. What are your thoughts on purchasing commodities such as gold/silver from goldmoney.com in…[Read more]
Hi Richard,No, a good reputation does not mean repeated actions by ASIC – knowing this fact your alarm bell would probably go up, and you would want to do further investigations on why ASIC took those actions on Wayne Ormond, and then you would have to weigh the risks/benefits of doing business with Refund Home Loans. And you are right, you cannot…[Read more]
Hi Terryw,I understand your time is limited, and its a good thing you are selective about your clients, and making most use of your timeAccording to the Pareto principle, 80% of a business income come from 20% of its clients, and in your case it looks like you want to focus on this 20% good clients rather than wasting time on the other 80% i.e.…[Read more]
Hi Matt,I would like to commend you for thinking about investing so early on in your life, and am glad to hear you have so much support available in your family – you are already off to a very good start, and the fact that you have already saved up $25,000 despite only being 20 years old, shows something about your character. Most people your age…[Read more]
Hi mackaz83,If you want to become a mortgage broker, I recommend you take a look at 'Refund Home Loans' From what I've heard they provide all the training and support you need to become a competent mortgage broker, but most importantly they have a proven system that works, and have a good reputationKong
Thanks for the clarification Terryw I noticed you are a finance broker, and you are fairly active in these forums with over 8,690 posts – this tells me that you are quite knowledgeable and also have a strong desire to help others outOnce I have my 'Family Trust' setup and start investing in properties and commodities such as gold/silver, how would…[Read more]
Hey guys,Thanks for your comment and input From what I've read so far, I now understand that the tax is dependent on the 'beneficiaries' whom the trust distributes income toHowever what I still don't quite understand is how you would deduct tax from the interest of the loan, when the trust does not have any tax to deduct fromFurther…[Read more]