Yes I do because I want to minimise my weekly spending and maximise my cashflow efficiency. Not having to service the principle component means I get to hold positive cash flow property costs covered by rent (or if negative it still costs much less per week) this means I have more money for my next investments.
Of course if you are nearing retirement, have oodles of cash and no plans to buy more (and your own place is paid off) then go ahead and pay down prIncipal it has to go eventually.
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Agreed this can be interpreted several ways.
1 – exit deposit capital, this can be done via refinance after equity game.
2 – exit profit – via cashflow to live on (rent) or LOE
3 – exit profit final – ie selling
4 – exit the game – retirement if you really plan on doing nothing.
Personally I don’t see the point of “retirement” when it comes to investing, I think the reality for most people is far more fluid, and they remain engaged in the investing side of things (sometimes moreso than when working ft) after finishing working ft
If you are talking about selling, my experience has been fun 4 from 4 times, all very profitable exits. My advice is to give the market what it wants, ie finished cosmetically beautiful properties ready for families, couples etc. In smaller markets (like mining towns) you want to sell into the rise, because the risk after a downturn is that you won’t be able to sell out at all.
In larger markets, you can probably hold on a little longer as the market may be a bit more forgiving for selling out just after a peak (depends on other economic shocks etc though)
If you meant number 1 refinancing, then I call this “deposit recycling” and it works well when your serviceability is strong, so as soon as you have growth in a property you should access it, refinance, store the extra funds in an offset somewhere for a rainy day then when you have enough, go shopping for more property. This is a good way to expand a portfolio, but not technically exit, just exit of your input cash for that particular investment
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by BuyersAgent.
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
Hi All
We are planning to sign up with Spring Finacial group for holistic financial advise.We would ideally like to set up SMSF and also build our investment property portfolio.However I’m stumbling across advisors/planners who only recommend brand new properties as they have a vested interest in the same.Has anyone from the forum dealt with Spring FG?Please feel free to share your feedback as it will help us make an informed decision.We are currently on the lookout for a reputed and trusted financial planner who can advise on a range of matters including SMSF,tax,property,insurance and the like!
Nandita Rao
Nandi welcome to the forum please see the comments above. Marketing firms that recommend new property are working for the developer. You are not the client you are the patsy. Please be careful. You need independent advice from someone who is only being paid by you and no one else. Shire Financial/Shire Accounting is one service who offer independent financial planning and advice Ben Poppett is someone I have known for years and would trust with that spread of queries. Best of luck.
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As a silent investor nobody with any brains would touch it with a barge pole. You would probably have better luck convincing someone of the merits of your business plan, and convince them to come in as a business partner that will share profits.
I would agree with this. I just lent a business 65K but it was secured against the business, the stock (including some very sellable big ticket items worth more than the capital) and a personal guarantee – 8% and I did it to help out as it is a lousy return. I see that as almost a gift with break even to make it just barely worth doing as a favour and not getting robbed for it. I would get a much better return in leveraged real estate but I want to build a relationship with the owner as I like the way he thinks. My point is I agree the interest rate proposed by the OP is too low without security.
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South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
Are you saying (hyperthetically) imagine a scene where we are the selling agent, and there is another agent with an offer using conjunction? If that is the case I would present the offer. Half a com is better than none and my vendor wants offers.
If that is not what you were saying (I was a bit confused) then please rephrase and I will have another go!
The above would have to be in a quiet market, in a hot market I would already have offers to present on my own, which as I previously mentioned is the kind of market when conjunctions seem more common.
They are not illegal, but remember the agents are still all getting paid parts of the sale commission (THE VENDORS MONEY) which means they are all in effect selling agents, not buyers agents in the true sense. Good sales agents hate splitting their coms and see those other agents who go around attempting conjunctions as leaches. It makes for a toxic relationship. This is why I never wanted to go that way and became an independent BA instead. It is so much clearer as Richard said, if you get paid by your client only, then you know who you work for and (I) can sleep at night.
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
@terryw conjunctions are fairly common but I have never done one. I don’t believe they work very well for the buyer in most instances. It makes for a cranky sales agent every time. Only desperate agents in very quiet markets accept conjunctions. In any warm to hot market it will fail to get through every time, why would an agent say goodbye to such a big portion of their fees? How are they motivated to get the deal done or move their sellers price down? They aren’t.
My introductory emails to agents I have not met yet typically read something like this “Hi, My name is Matt Knight and I am an independent buyers agent (no conjunctions) and I would like to talk to you about….” because I have met so much resistance and suspicion from agents when they think I want their fees. Once we are over that hurdle we are best of friends, I am now their ally bringing buyers and doing half their job for no cost to them. It changes the dynamic instantly.
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Actual impact of the games is probably not that big but the mindset it creates is very positive, and there is a bunch of infrastructure spending currently worth considering.
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South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
check out brazen from granny flat approvals he does these on a regular basis under the state laws not just councils. The post is from 2013 but still applies, the SEPP is still doable.
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
I was 23 when I bought my first. The unit vs house question can be a bit irrelevant. As Corey said its about setting your goals, then taking steps to move towards them.
My first property (many yrs ago!) was a 2 bed townhouse in Brissy for 65k, but it had renovation upside potential and a desperate vendor. The combo meant within 6 months I could refinance it and buy a 3 bed brick home in the same area. Another renovation on that 2nd property meant a 3rd property after another 6 months. Holding 3 properties through the last cycle up there was what got me my start, it funded my wife and I having kids (with her no having to work for 9 yrs) and bought us a block of land to build our house upon. I could not have done any of that on the salary I was on at the time as a social worker. These were my stage 1 goals, mainly family related. These days I am looking at development sites for short term equity deals and long term cashflow deals as I am moving from my initial goals to my long term income replication goals.
So what you buy is really important, but not as simple as a unit vs a house. Location is also a big deal, are you thinking Sydney? I has had a lot of growth in the last few yrs.
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South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
As the title suggests we’re new to property investing. I work away up north and don’t want to be doing this forever (to much time away and not being with my partner n young fella). I have wanted to start an investment portfolio for some time but have been worried due to not having enough info at hand. I have not the least idea of where to start, so here I am. Been reading a few of the posts here, lots of useful and interesting information.
I think first port of call maybe a financial advisor, but then how do I find one who doesn’t “recommend” me to agents from which they get commission. Has anyone here had experiences with advisors here in Perth (positive and negative).
What we want eventually is 2 or 3 properties, I’m unsure weather this can offset the amount of tax I pay or claim back (which would be nice). Again here is where I need some professional knowledge to steer me in the right direction.
We also would like to build a place of our own (currently residing in my partner house) at some soon, so do we keep this place as an investment or sell put the money into the new place (for a smaller mortgage) and gain the investment property after.
I look forward to hearing your opinions and any help will be appreciated.
Arron :-)
Welcome Arron,
As you have stated you need an advisor who is not on someone else payroll. I would consider an independent buyers agent as they only work for you because you are paying the bill. is the national association and is another great national database. I think you will find 1 or 2 perth BA’s that way if you want to invest locally or get help with a ppor build. I have herd good things about Momentum. Alternatively there are lots of BA’s on the east coast if you want to invest abroad. I have a few FIFO clients who work up your way and 1 who lives in perth. If you do your research you can work with someone without meeting them face to face.
Remember tax is great but you want to invest for profit first, not a tax saving. In some cases older properties can be more lucrative than new (due to value add opportunities like renos or development) whereas new stock can’t really have value added.
South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
The short version is: It depends. On your goals, your level of knowledge, your risk profile etc etc. What I might look for in a regional might be different to you, or someone else.
Start with your goals, then develop a strategy likely to get you there, then buy properties which fit the strategy. Do you want just plain old max cashflow? Or do you want capital growth? Renovation value add? Developing? There are many sub categories and property types which will impact on your choice of location.
Assuming you have done all this, then population growth is a biggie, employment (current and potential) is another, these would be fundamental analysis, then vacancy rate would be the biggest technical measure, followed by the others.
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South Coast NSW Independent Buyers Agent - Wollongong to Batemans Bay and Regional NSW. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE 14 POINT PROPERTY BUYER'S CHEATSHEET to avoid painful mistakes at
I had it almost done, but IMHO the rate cut(s) have given it a bit more room to grow. It still scares me the thought of overpaying there now though, especially when there are so much more attractive buy in options that haven’t come off their low base by much yet.
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