KM4444 replied to the topic Are Investment Groups to Blame from Moranbah Madness? in the forum Opinionated! 8 years, 10 months ago
Yes I think the groups have had a lot to do with the prices going up, because the market is so shallow. If you promote a small region to hundreds of people who rush in at once, it creates a disaster later on.
KM4444 replied to the topic Dymphna Boholt real estate investiment course in the forum Heads Up! 8 years, 10 months ago
Back in 2010. 2011 DB heavily promoted mining towns, now a lot of old students are going bankrupt. While the going is good they will support you and spruik regions, when it goes bad they won’t be able to help you.
KM4444 became a registered member 8 years, 10 months ago