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  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Sour grapes.. in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Feed them to the cows[baaa]

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic How to Finance US RE deals in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    there are tons of Brokers in Florida as this is a market the brits have been into for a number of Years getting a laon on property there for uk ciitzens is pretty straight forward due to the thousands that have done it already, i wouldnt bother witha texas broker when you can got a broker with knowledge of how things work in Florida state

    when…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Who invests in USA? in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    try HSBC, however you will need a history with them, better suited for those who have held active accounts with them for the past 12 months

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic 100% US Finance in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Richard i think you really have opened a can of worms, I would recommed this is open to experienced US property purchasers, who know for real the what can go wrongs items and financially allocate them into their budgets

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Investing in India in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Redwing is that the Book “Shantaram” I got halfway through it a very good insight to things there though

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic USA governing body? in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    you are normally governed by the city or county authority and depending in what areas youa re in you might have suburn specific bylaws you must comply with, such as having the lawns mown, no litter lying around etc for minor things and then major things there will be requirements to do refurbishments to a set of building codes as well, again…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic 60 minutes USA Buffalo in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Exactly Cameron, and I personally would never buy in an area that a bank is “not willing” to finance.

    Come on Richard name the guy, there are enough sharks out there as it is if we can flush some of them out then it is for the greater good and if they are wrongly accused and do have agood record (which has happened on here before ) you will have…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic USA Positive Cashflow Properties in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    as a minor contra to Nigel if you understand the market and take the time and effort to overcome the obvious pitfalls it can be like any market quite profitable, but you have to be smart and keep a constant eye on the market and what is going on with your current investments and potential investments, dont do the norm as you will get burnt look…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic USA Positive Cashflow Properties in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Had look at John Roberts site and not very impressive hardlya comprehensive service, go yourself then you can work out for yoruself the risk factors, maintenance, taxes, property management. anyone who buys overseas off a photo without going there is taking a big risk, please allocate some value to your hard earned cash.

    It has taken me a full 20…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Finance in NY State in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Richard what about Houses that you intend to buy with finance as opposed to cash first then refinance, do you still require the 12 months seasoning as to me this negates the attractiveness

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic NZ Commercial – is there interest in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago


    if you find any 15-20% yileders in the deep south keep me informed of them but with a description of Location and current tenant situation

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Usa property contacts in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Richard thats a pretty quick assumption to make, and as for advertising check out your own signature, Pot, Kettle, Black, but young sheyla’s post should be reomoved as it is blatant advertising

    Moderators do your thing..

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Tax from overseas IP’s in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    no you cant, not in NZ the UK or the USA anyway, unless you have losses in that country dependent on company/llc/trust strucure to offset against income but you pay no additional tax in a tax haven if that is your tax domicile

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic USA Property Values search in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Bearing in mind most of the values on Zillow are the eqivalent of Govt Valuations, does give you a good idea though what your property taxes will be for a potential IP.

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Markets – US rates UP NZ rates down? in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    If you are investing in property offshore and ignore the Forex risk then you are leaving yourself exposed it must be part of your overall strategy and you should have a plan on how to mitigate forex exposure. I always have an active role in it as my home currency is the Pound but have IPs in NZ and the USA so those three crosses i actively trade…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic Markets – US rates UP NZ rates down? in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    i went short NZD – USD last week, looking quite good now just in profit today,

    the US was always going to increase and will do so for the next 6 months at least

    rumors are a lot of the big investment banks are taking big positions against the Kiwi ie long the USD against the NZD

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic golly miss molly here comes olly in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago

    olly newland “the day the bubble bursts” and his previous books such as “the rascals guide to real estate”

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic US investing. Ethical considerations in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    got to agree with Bardons original post & brisbane 04 the clear facts are that if you have been to buffalo and looked at houses in the high yielding areas that are not the slums you will find massive racial diversity, I think it is socially positive to provide investment into properties that need upgrading or a satisfactory level of comfort…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic USA TRIP in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Gotta agree on the bank set up, i have set investors up in WNY and for bank accts 20 mins you are all done (as long as you have all the correct IDhowever they also need the EIN number so get in and apply for thsi straight away if you are in the US or by Post if offshore), the added bonus is that you also have then a contact in that branch should…[Read more]

  • kiwiduvet replied to the topic property Investing in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years ago

    Hey moderators get this guy off the site hes advertised in every section, what a clown

    when the going gets weird the weird turn pro

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