Kingandy replied to the topic LMI refunds – CBA in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
TroodygWhitehousemax has done a lot more than me according to the stuff he has sent. We have not given up just yet..Thanx for ur input.
Kingandy replied to the topic LMI refunds – CBA in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
Call me sceptical (glass 1/2 empty) sort of guy.. But I have complained to BSA about shoddy building practices, The Law Institute about a Lawyer who did not adhere to his own (no sale no pay) conveyancing slogan.. And I am taking on Genworth and CBA about amounts of money I feel that I have a right to get back… I have NEVER won any of these.. a…[Read more]
Kingandy replied to the topic LMI refunds – CBA in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
For the benefit of the other users of the site. If you have a normal home loan with CBA, covered by LMI with Genworth, and you sell before 2 years, you are entitled to a partial premium refund of 20-40%. When you go to ask for it, CBA is supposed to fill in a form and send it to Genworth.Genworth then refuse to pay, because they have added a…[Read more]
Kingandy replied to the topic LMI refunds – CBA in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
MaxI have also been recently involved in the same scenario. I am also with CBA. I am trying to get to the bottom of WHO is trying to keep my money. CBA or Genworth.e-mail me at for a complete update.Andy