kimkenny29027 replied to the topic Analysis Paralysis or Informed Deferral? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
What’s noob mean?
If you’re going to set-up a trust, I just bought mine from Allan’s Off the shelf company & trust. Cheap, easy & quick
I’ve suffered from analysis paralysis – but just purchased my first +ve geared property, settles 14th December (after going to Steve’s Master Class in October). I live in Sydney so +vely geared…[Read more]kimkenny29027 replied to the topic town houses in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 1 month ago
If they were easy to find everyone would be buying them.
I started by sorting by price through in state of my choice. Minimum 2 bedrooms (takes out caravans etc). Then I started researching the areas the properties were in & decided on a target area. Still new, still learning,… but still having a go!