kimandglen replied to the topic Offset account in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Yep it is normally that simple, just go open the account and let them know what account to attach it to.Bankwest normally charge for an offset account but saying that it is normally a couple of dollars a month
kimandglen replied to the topic refinance for IP in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Hi Nick,I agree with Marty but the risk your willing to take is up to you. If you are never going to use your current PPOR as an ip, it may be worth paying the 35k in savings you have off your PPOR and then increasing the LOC for your IP purchase. You may then be able to claim the interest on the complete amount?Glen
kimandglen replied to the topic What renovations are worthwhile? in the forum Value Adding 14 years ago
Need to add a WOW factor to the place, preferably something that will appeal to your target market and then for the best outcome have them bid at auction. Normally the kitchen I find the best place to add this but it all depends on the current set up. Your target market shouldn't be too hard to work out, think about what sort of person is best…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic Buying for a son in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
Hi Rob and Sue,Depends why the son can't get a loan just yet. Is there a possibility of going guarantor on the loanor doing a family pledge to help your son? That way you wouldn't have to worry to much re CGT and rental income etc. It would affect your servicability if you went to purchase another property but doesn't sound like that is a problem…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic LMI Question in the forum Why don’t you go to another 14 years ago
Why don't you go to another lender if you are having hassles with Adelaide Bank? Sounds suss if you are going direct through Adelaide Bank and is a full doc loan.
kimandglen replied to the topic Trust Structure – Seeking for your advices and experinces. in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
Did your friends buy with someone else or by themselves. To get the FHOG at least one applicant has to be an Australian Citizen or a permenant resident.When you go to purchase are you a co-applicant? If so, if the other applicant is a citizen or has PR then you may be able to get the FHOG depending on othjer criteria.Glen
kimandglen replied to the topic Cash Flow Positive Properties WA? in the forum General Property 14 years ago
Most of the mining towns are positive however think its a little late for the capital gains on those areas.Huntingdale seems close to being positive / neutral and there are probably a few other areas if you have a good look aroundGlen
kimandglen replied to the topic PERTH South of the River. Rent to buy? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Have you looked into Keystart? Their rates are higher now than what they were 12 months ago but as long as you don't own any other property, their criteria and deposit required is different to your normal lender. Also, no LMI as it is run by the state government.Heard they have changed a little in the last couple of months but have a look and see…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic any better products out there? in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Think you will find that Choicelend is actually a little higher than the 6.55% your broker has told you during the construction phase. Just something else you probably need to take note of.
kimandglen replied to the topic Buying my 1st property! Does it make sense to invest in a holiday house?? in the forum Creative Investing 14 years ago
Hi Dazz,Using it as a holiday home and you living in it is possible but would get a little complex in a few areas. One is GCT, unsure if you can apply the 6 year rule or not. You would have to split everything 2/3 for tax etc and then because of your high income any money you do earn would be hit at your tax return rate, which is high.You could…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic Buyers Agents / Which one?? Advice PLS !!! in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
Hi Danielrusty,How are you? No idea on the buyers agents but am about to start on the same journey as you in regards to buying, renavating and selling properties in perth. Work FIFO also, 7 on 7 off.Let us know how you go with the renos and finding a property, have a RE friend who does this for herself and is on the lookout for me.glen
kimandglen replied to the topic New to property investing in the forum Hi Pollynz,
Sounds like you 14 years agoHi Pollynz,Sounds like you have some equity in which you might be able to access but would need to have a closer look. Lots of things to consider but if I am reading your question correctly, you shouldn't pay off your investment loan quickly. In a matter of fact you should get an I/O loan for your investment and worry about your home loan if you…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic Is it worth locking in your interest rates (Australia) now? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
You can also fix a certain percentage of your loan, gives you more options if you are going to fix
kimandglen replied to the topic First Time Investor – New House in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi Ernie,Not looking for an investment company or anything however I am curious the costs they have told you? Is it free? Do you have to have a membership with them?Q1, how about yourself? how much does it cost for you?
kimandglen replied to the topic Finance on first IP in the forum Hi Brad,
Another factor you 15 years agoHi Brad,Another factor you might need to look at is the deposit and costs. With stamp duty and the minimum of 5% deposit, you would have to have around the $21k mark to even look at a loan. Noting that with the defaults you mention, you will probably need at least 105 deposit so looking around $22k plus the costs.Glen
kimandglen replied to the topic New to Investing in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi Max,Keep doing the research and you will find the right investment property for you in the right area. I have been looking down kwinana way recently as there seems a few good buys down there.Glen
kimandglen replied to the topic Property investing with alot of cash, but little income? in the forum Hi dotkangaroo,
it would all 15 years agoHi dotkangaroo,it would all depend on your rental income from your other two houses? Are they still mortgaged as well? Would need a fair bit more information. May very well be possible but depends on any other outgoings you have also
kimandglen replied to the topic Decisions… 4 scenarios to weigh up (you can add more) in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
The only straight up +ve geared properties I have been able to find in Perth are the inner city apartments. Lenders have real problems using these as securieties and so maybe isn't the palce to go just yet.Land and construct is starting to become more popular at the moment as the builders prices are pretty good at the moment (well for Perth…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic paramount finance and investment services in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
annawhiprobably but to me they will only go with negative gearing propeties initially. Does limit your investment.Spend some time reading this forum and other material and you will have the same idea as these guys. Either way, they shouldn't charge you anything for their services, they should get paid from the lenders and the developers.The more…[Read more]
kimandglen replied to the topic 10-15 year Fixed Rate Loans Possible? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi ClubhondaYes, most of the big banks offer at least 10 years. Think the CBA are the only ones doing 15 years at the moment thou.
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