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  • kevinsbacon replied to the topic Do various House Styles provide different Returns? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks everyone.

    You answered my questions perfectly. This helps a lot. It just dawned on me that I have a long way to go before I hope to be on par with you all in terms of property investing.

    Cheers and this forum rocks – yeah


  • Thanks Matt,

    The 5% rule helps

    I was hoping for something a bit more specific. Of the different dwellings, how are they aesthetically simlar/disimilar (ie share a common wall, are multiple stories, clustered with others etc)

    Also, where do you find the closing costs. Do you ring the agent, council, is it available on the internet?

    As you can…[Read more]

  • kevinsbacon replied to the topic Profit Program in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey Charchie,

    I’d love to see the spreadsheet. I was thinking of trying to make one up myself but I’m not too sure where to start. Your spreadsheet would be a great template.

    my email address is: [email protected]


  • kevinsbacon replied to the topic Learning the lingo of investing in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey Everyone

    I too am a newbie as you can see by my number of posts. This is actually my first one. And this is my first question of many…what does PPOR mean???

    I have also been looking on the net and in the paper quite often to find positive cash flow properties but to no avail. I gather this is quite a rare way to find properties and there…[Read more]


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