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  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic Young Investor – Looking to start my portfolio in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Hi Jesse,

    Personally I like real estate to invest in, and positive real estate as I don't plan to sell, the capital growth (the price it cost to buy) 
    is not the most important thing.

    My advice is
    decide if you and your partner are going to live in the first house, if you do for 6mths you will be granted the
    first home buyers grant which could…[Read more]

  • our rental is down the south coast of NSW, its a pain trying to find positive return rentals now as we seemed to have had a bit of a boom sad when i say boom i mean some of the housing commission areas have over doubled in price, as a local i know these prices are not worth it but it seems a lot of investors don't… or out of town first home…[Read more]

  • the only pro i could see with this is if you added an extra bathroom and turned the two door into an ensuite blocking the door not connecting it to the bedroom.

    but thats a lot of work just for a rental.

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic Cladding a fibro in western Sydney in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago

    i think cladding old fibros is a great value adder, personal taste as it gives it a new life feel, i have a house ive been thinking of cladding for a while but i dont know a trusted "cladder?"

    i read an old reno book from about 2 years ago which claims cladding can increase the value by up to 30K im not sure if this is true but would like to…

  • Hi dreamingbig,

    we currently did minor reno to an ex housing commission house in a housing commission area, we plan to do more but due to advice from our accountant all work is done after tenants have begun leasing the house (other wise it isn't tax deductible)

    to begin with we put tenants in on the 1st and arranged with them for a painter to…[Read more]

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic IP’s and SMSF in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    hey Qlds007 thanks for your advice, would you recommend a company or professional i should look at talking with?

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic $1 block of land ? in the forum General Property 12 years ago

    Hey N@than, its on the contract of sale, you agree that you will live in the house till the 7 years are up, but if the house goes on sale before the time frame is up than the new buyer must live in the house for a fresh 7 years. (some times they do it for 5 years and i have heard of them with 10 year obligations also)

    housing commission have been…[Read more]

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic IP’s and SMSF in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    hey Weathjess, just wondering if you spoke with a particular group or person about your SMSF? if so do you mind if i know who?and forgive me but what is a US passive fund?

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic IP’s and SMSF in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    Hey Terryw, to be honest i have no idea who i should talk to about this, the banks seem to advertise the SMSF a lot so i assumed they might know what it involves…. seems not many of them do… we are thinking of talking with an accountant now as they might have more advice than the banks.

    do you Self manage your super and if so who did you talk…

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic IP’s and SMSF in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    Oh we don't want to live in any of the smsf ips we currently have our family home and a few ip we are paying off with our wages/rental return.

    the issue is we are sick of losing our Super because we can't invest it exactly how we want, plus we pay a fee to loss it not to meantion the money is sitting there and we are aiming one way or another to…[Read more]

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic IP’s and SMSF in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    this posted more than once (sorry) not sure how to delete the others

  • Kerryn101 replied to the topic $1 block of land ? in the forum General Property 12 years ago

    not to mention that it may have how many years you have to live there written into the comtract like the ex housing commission houses do in NSW (some times)

    they also may make it obligation to employee local builders

    so on the contract of sale you might have — minimum time of occupancy 7 years…
     must build through the following companies -…[Read more]

  • we have a friend in the real estate Biz and when ever we see a place we might like we ask him to find out if they are willing to sell, but we have found if they dont have it on the market and you ask they normally try and be greedy and ask for more than its worth :-(
