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  • Kensington replied to the topic Loans on oversease income? in the forum Finance 17 years ago

    Hi HoBe, I have been working overseas for OS companies for around 12 years. I have not had any trouble using my OS income for obtaining loans but have always needed to provide 20% equity. The process has been pretty similar to obtaining loans using Australian income. I have actually done the majority of my loans through banks and online. cheersKensington

  • Kensington replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Hi Di,
    I have found Westpac insurance to be pretty good – and competively priced. I have a mortgage with them for one IP and another coming up as well so it seemed to be a cohesive arrangement for me. I looked at AAMI – they seemed to be pretty cheap and their replacement coverage appeared good. You can arrange it all on line as well – I prefer…[Read more]
