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  • Kenshin replied to the topic TODAY TONIGHT – Thur 26/2/04 in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    about to start wooo hoo! lucky to have a TV at work !

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic I’m confused in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    PM = Private message. [:)

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Offsetting Retirement… is this a joke? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks for the info sis, u got some some good theories going on there.. we will only know in 2011?

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Offsetting Retirement… is this a joke? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I was thinkin, buying a life time’s worth of food supply and lock myself in a bomb shelter.. oh i need internet access though to access this forum! [:D

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Offsetting Retirement… is this a joke? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Ahh i m workin 2nite so no TV.. let me know if you hear anything SIS.. cause this definately will be some news u wanna know for the future.

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Offsetting Retirement… is this a joke? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I heard that on the radio on the way to work today,
    I wonder what will happen when all the baby boomers retire.. anyone know the year of that? Government pushin these pplz to work longer to avoid such a rescesison? Similar story as in Prophecy by kiyosaki.. any views on this?

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Book Review – Ordinary Millionaires in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Who was the author of the book, is is available at any major bookstore?


    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Neil JENMAN angel or devil? in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    I found the book so thanks anyway [:)

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Neil JENMAN angel or devil? in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Where can I obtain Jenman’s Real Estate mistakes book?

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic loss of friends in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    For myself, I had to sit down in front of my computer and allocate my time for work, studies, and fun..
    For myself i have many friends (not bragging) though only a few true friends.. who i know would die for me if it ever came up.. and I thank God for them because so many times they have saved my life..and I would do the same. So it took me a…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic HOT! HOT! HOT! in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago

    Hahah looks like u wanan be on the forum while enjoyin a nice cool bath. I would suggest puttin a table that can steadily hold over your bath tub.. with the AC adaptor and telephone/network cable attached along side of ur wall. u can sticky tape it down or if u want it permit stabled it down. Though probably best to have the laptop without the ac…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic ……This is what I would do……. in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I;m just starting off so I can tell u if this works in 5 years time… [:D

    1. Buy some property info and motivational books to get you started. And find out your true reason for investing in property.
    2. Get involve with like minded pplz to keep u motivated, hasnt happen for me yet since most of my mates wanna enjoy themselves atm. I have my bike…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Is this the cheapest? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Im really curious know to what the cheapest place could be in the sydney metro area.[:D

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Do you use the ADSL/Cable Internet in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Julian I would just let them browser whatever through Internet Explorer, provided they use it then.. at end of day.. open IE up and press CTRL+H and get the history of visited websites.. if you see then you can punish them through ur own means. [:D

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Do you use the ADSL/Cable Internet in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    I just posted this in another section, not realising it has been already answered, however Ill copy and paste hoping to help abit with your questions, even though most have been answered.

    1/ I recommend DART or Telpacfic, they offer unlimited and are a praise choice from internet users. You can compare prices and plans at…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Expiry of Deposit Bond in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    I fully misinterepted the original post, my apologies.
    I would recommend chattin with ur solictor on what implications an expired deposit bond will have on a contract sale in case something does happen..
    I did read somewhere that some1 lost their IP b4 they could finalised the purchase because their deposit bond expired.. dont know how that…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Tax is something that is there and usually cutting that down means your losing money anyhows as you get a discount in tax if you have a negative gear property. Still losing money.
    Just curious young.learner whoever is having that high salary read the book 0-130 properties in 3.5 years? Cause theres some helpful tips in that book itself. Though IMO…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic ADSL/Cable Internet in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    1/ I recommend DART or Telpacfic, they offer unlimited and are a praise choice from internet users. You can compare prices and plans at

    2/ I would go with DART or Telpacfic as they offer unlimited so you dont get a nasty suprise when your bill comes.

    3/ To control usage time, you would have to find a parental control…[Read more]

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Meaningful =>Fishing Story => MUST READ! in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    That was a very good analogy , good read!

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

  • Kenshin replied to the topic Credit cards and investing in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    I could always say I like the way it looks in my wallet. lol
    Thanks Sis

    What I learnt yesterday, I know better for tommorrow – Dean

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