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  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Private Money Lenders or Vendor Finance? in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 11 months ago

    kenkoh2000 wrote:

    marten hilberts wrote:

    rebecca22 wrote:
    "……….where I can just repay the private money lender with 12% interest upon the sale of a rehabbed house……"if you can get investors to do a deal like this please let me know. i can only share my experience with private lending. yes it is fantastic (the people i deal with h…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Private Money Lenders or Vendor Finance? in the forum Creative Investing 16 years, 11 months ago

    marten hilberts wrote:

    rebecca22 wrote:
    "……….where I can just repay the private money lender with 12% interest upon the sale of a rehabbed house……"if you can get investors to do a deal like this please let me know. i can only share my experience with private lending. yes it is fantastic (the people i deal with have the cash, want t…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Investing Full-Time in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 6 months ago

    Dear Milly,

    1. My email is [email protected]. My TEL/FAX is 08-95925108 and my Australia mobile is 0418758123.

    2. Please contact me to further discuss your present situation. We might be able to work out some options of mutual interests to ourselves in due course.

    3. Thank…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Investing Full-Time in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 6 months ago

    Dear WezWaz,1. I  have been a full-time property investor since Jan 2003. I have also been living-off-equity (LOE) to a certain extent since then.2. I have helped  one of my  own overseas investors to acquire and control some  A$1.14 million worth of properties,  with an initial investment capital of only  A$20,000.3. However, I am no "…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Dear MeiLin,

    1. As in investing in any apartment development projects in Singapore, the priority of making monies in this case, is the Singapore Govt, followed by the Developer , then the Marketing Agents and finally the Investors, who is actually bearing the bulkk of the risks for a small profit.

    2. I heard what you said. Howver, I still…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by meilin08:
    My cousin lives in Perth – she is Singaporean. She bought a new HDB flat in Hougang in 2001 for $195,000. Currently worth $500,000.


    Dear Meilin,

    1. Interesting…Where exactly is your cousin’s flat in Hougang? Is it an executive-condo unit? How accurate is her feedback…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by meilin08:
    Hey Ken,

    Did you see the article in yesterday’s business Times?

    Sentosa Cove land up 65%. Those who bought their land at 3mill will be laughing – now worth 5mill.


    Dear Mei,

    No… Congratulations and good for you then.

    Kenneth KOH

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Investing in Singapore in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by meilin08:

    The govt has recently changed the deposit structure from 20% down to 10%. And of this 10% you can use 5% from your CPF and 5% cash.


    Dear Meilin08,

    1. Are you also saying then that Singapore banks will lend the investors upto 90% LVR loan for the property purchase?…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Milly:

    but just remember seven yrs down the track when eying off the pretty young secretary, ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’.
    Dear Milly,

    1. Oops, are you saying that the husband has not grown up to be able to appreciate his own wife’s inner beauty then, after 7…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Milly:

    You can be the most hardworking, attentive, helpful wonderful husband in the world and you come home one day to an empty house and a letter explaining that wifey has left, been swept off her feet by some wicked libertine she met at the gym. ”

    Dear Milly

    1. How can the husband be…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by hellman:

    Sorry but I have seen unhappy families where it is pointless for the parents to be together, but the remain “for the sake of the kids.”
    So what do u want to see – 1) A marriage that might have screaming fights and or physical violence, which teaches kids it’s okay to be abusive? or 2) seperate with less…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by hellman:

    Also I see pre nups as more of a plan of what happens if… rather than this is your share, that is my share.


    Dear Hellman,

    1. Would you not agree that in your thinking you have allowed this possibility that your future marriage will break down through planning the pre…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Milly:

    anyway im not cynical or bitter. I had a wonderful marriage to wonderful man but I cant help looking about and learning from the experiences of others. I’m a realist….not a cynic.

    Dear Milly,

    1. Have you truly wonder why does your marriage works while others do not?

    2.…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Milly:

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Milly:
    I don’t believe there is such a thing as unconditional love Kenkoh. (tho love for our kids might come close)

    Dear Milly,

    1. Why?

    2. If neccessary, we will agree to disagree then.

    3. Thank you.

    Kenneth KOH

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Simmi:

    Hey, Life is like a business.


    Dear Simmi,

    1. How sad if this is indeed what you presently and truly believe. Are you also further suggesting here that we should live our lives likewise?

    2. As human beings, let us think and live as one intrinsically and unselfishly to make a…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Celivia:

    Look, I still stand by what I said, and:
    If you HAVE to get married, go in it with 100% of what you have.

    If things do not work out, the worst thing that will happen is that there will automatically be a 50/50 split…
    Is that so bad?
    You win some, you lose some.


    Dear…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by grossrealisation:
    hi Dutchess
    without taking the high moral ground can I just give my little .002%.
    first I have read the and some I agree with and some I don’t but at the end of the day it comes down to trust. you can if you wish put this here and that there but is that trust if he is going to go here or go there again is…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Dazzling:
    When my ex and I split – I walked away with nothing but the kids

    You walked away with everything then…

    Dear Dazzling,

    How can that be? With a broken marriage, a broken relationship and without a wife or/and with hurts and pains all over for all parties concerned and with…[Read more]

  • kenkoh2000 replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by nazzysmith0153:
    Interesting post this, always wondered if there was any point to a pre nup… I certainly dont want the other half walking away with all my money. But like others theres noway we will break up… Or will we???? People being people theres no guarantee that the other half wont find something better or harbour…[Read more]

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