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  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic Granny flat advice – Canberra in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Rohan, A granny flat was our first investment property. w ehad a high set Queenslander  and built a beautiful flat underneath with a sep entrance and  yard. It cost us $70 k all up and it rented for $190 per week for years, then when we sold the home, it was an advanatge to have it as it value added to the property. I'd do it again at the d…[Read more]

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic Mining town in QLD or WA in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 9 months ago

    Hi wendy, In 2006 we bought a place sight unseen in Moura, Qld. At the time we bought and for the first 2 years we were getting enough rent to cover the mortgage and tenants were aplenty. We hit a rough patch in 2008 and had no tenant for quite some time. We've actually been up there a few times now, painting and tiding the place up as it costs a…[Read more]

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum Um Krissy, I had my lovely 14 years, 7 months ago

    Um Krissy, I had my lovely house listed with you and now with Hourn and Bishop for rent…nearly 6 months without a tenant now!!. Just quiet at the moment and lots of empty houses. It will pick up and we hope soon! I'm sure you all work very hard for your commison… stay in it as once it booms out there you will be rich! Fingers crosses for us all! :)

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic MOURA, BLACKWATER, MORANBAH in the forum General Property 14 years, 8 months ago

    We bought in Moua in 2006 and until end last year had always had tenants. The house has been empty since then! There is talk that Anglo North opening back up and on the Goverment projects website, there are several big projects not far from kicking off…Belvedere mine, Moura Aldoga rail link and a big Coal seam gas project. Its quiet at the…[Read more]

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum General Property 14 years, 9 months ago

    Aquila/Vales massive project, Belvedere near Moura has passed pre feasibility the other day so thats moving forward in leaps and bounds. Keep an eye on Shift Miner mag, which gives constant updates on projects in the mining industry. All good news for the industry and for investors!

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum General Property 14 years, 11 months ago

    newbi2 wrote:
    Hi Kelley,Just wondering what your thoughts are on the commencement of Belvedere? We had a rental sit vacant fot 5 months up there, and granted, it wasnt the prettiest flower in the bunch, but this was reflected in the price. Last time I was there, I did notice approval for a new child care centre. I see Ray White real estate has…[Read more]

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic QLD mining towns in the forum General Property 15 years ago

    Hey Tracy D, I reckon Amanda only found us a tenant as I was on her case all the time.!!! It took a few weeks to even get the property on the net. The other real estate is no better and we are forced to use one although my last tenants I had for 2 years and we communicated directly by email since we both struggled with Ray Whites. We are the same…[Read more]

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 9 months ago

    Matt E- you question what happens when the mining boom slumps etc…I did research on the mines in the area we were buying. Long term susantainability etc. The mine in Moura going through a huge expansion so we’ll keep an eye on that but expected supply to last at least 25 years so it seemed pretty safe. Mt Isa also listed as booming area and…[Read more]

  • kelleyhutcho replied to the topic Australia’s Best Cashflow Positive Suburb in the forum No Subject 17 years, 9 months ago

    We have just bought a house in Moura. Houses are around $250 k and returning $420-$450p/w rent, returns of around 8%. The area was listed as Queensland’s biggest growth area- houses have increased in price in 12 months by 49.5%. The mines pay alot of the rents for their staff. Dawson Mine out there is opening another 2 mines with increase in…[Read more]


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