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  • Profile photo of KC PropertyKC Property
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 1

    Hello cbarry, I would agree with the above comments. I personally do see risk in investing off the plan more so that purchasing existing property however I feel that risk can be mitigated providing you understand about the process of investing of the plan and have both a plan and safety nets in place. It is a very good wealth making tool for some people and can be disaster for others. Firstly know that the price at time of contact (compared to market) may differ from the price (compared to market) at the time you pay for it. Therefore you must be comfortable that the price will still be fair in years to come. Know that each contract with have what is called a sunset date, it is the date in which the development must be completed by (although it can be extended under certain circumstances) know that often the developers expectations for completion and actual date of completion often varies, so plan for the latest time possible i.e. end of sunset clause. Know that you will be obligated to settle within 14 days of completion so you must be able to fund the purchase or be able to obtain finance, you must be sure of this, if you are remotely unstable or dont have good financial backing this risk may be to great. That said while it is rare and might be rejected there is no reason that you cant ensure your contract includes a clause that says something like 'subject to available finance that is accepted to the purchaser' (seek legal advice for clauses). There are several clauses that can be included to 'give you an out' if needed including 'subject to valuation'. Now it might not be accepted by the seller but as you would be a rare case chances are they'd go with it, if not if may be too great a risk for you. Another area to look at is the amount of deposit you would be paying, if you are paying 10% then its a bit to wake away from if you default (again talk to solicitor, a developer can sue you for defaulting and it can cost a lot although this is relatively rare as they usually prefer to get on will selling for profit) If you are paying $1,000 deposit pfft. MY NO 1 PIECE OF ADVICE IS TALK WITH A SOLICITOR EXPERIENCED IN OFF THE PLAN SALES not just to review the contract for you but to provide you with advice in which to reduce your risk. DO NOT see a conveyancer.    

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