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  • I was about to ask the same question but it seems no-one replied. Not sure if that’s good or bad :-)

    It confirms what we've ben finding too. We've had several mortgage brokers in the UK looking into it but no-one could find us a decent re-finance deal. We have property in the UK but moved out here in 2007 and are now Aussie citizens. Luckily the mortgages in the UK still have some time to run since we wouldn't have to sell them at current prices.

    Richard – let us know if circumstances change….



    Hi Troy,

    As well as making sure you know what you want (as Paul mentioned above) what's the situation of your tenants? If you were to sell it to them as a 'normal' sale do they have the deposit required for a bank?

    Knowing what they want and can afford may also help you decide which VF selling strategy is your best course.


    I tried it but it doesn't appear to do any creative financing. For example what happens if you buy a property but actually don't have a loan for it? It just gives you an error even if you skip it and try to go to the results.

    Hi Suzie,

    I have several Dolf de Roos books and met the guy in the UK some years ago and his stuff is great.

    However what you have been through sounds like a marketing ploy to me especially if you didn't request to go in their program.

    Last year I had a call from an Internet Marketing Gurus company. They were looking for women who wanted to make money in internet marketing and once the women had made the money there would be some publicity. I knew of the internet marketer and his company and so I was interested but they called me first. So an interview was arranged. It was all very carefully scripted so that even though at the start I was vaguely interested by the end I really wanted to be on the course because they were saying that I may not be good enough, only a few are let in, thousands are applying every week…. Then on the next interview the subject of money came up and it was about $25,000 (10,000 pounds – I was in the UK then). I said I couldn't just give the go ahead for that kind of money without my husbands say so too, and EXACTLY what would I be getting again. The guy on the phone got very stroppy and said that I had 24 hours to make up my mind otherwise they'd drop me from the interviews.
    The sales techniques were very good but the last part of his attitude completely put me off.

    If this sounds familiar to you then it's just a sales ply that's done very well. So decide whether you would have been interested if they hadn't approached you and ask if the techniques can be used here, and make up your mind from there.


    glen.d wrote:
    HI Karen

    I am keen to read perry notes as i had an interesting conversation with one of the perry advisers about some strategies, could you give me the link where you got the notes from.


    Hi Glen,

    I gave him my email address at the conference and he sent them to me via email. His website is and you should be able to contact him through there.

    glen.d wrote:
    does any know where the notes from the seminar are posted.

    I haven't seen the notes posted anywhere as yet.
    I've been having problems downloading the notes from Louise Bedfords seminar but hopefully that should be sorted now.
    Alistair Perry has sent me his workshop presentations via email.

    We thought it was excellent too. I had to nag a friend to attend and he is sooooo glad that he did since now he's got some idea of what he wants to do and how to do it.

    We'll be there next year too!

    Thanks for letting us know how it went!

    Qlds007 wrote:
    To correct a couple of previous posts:

    2) Another issue is that if you make a loss in a trust, that loss cannot be offset against any personal gains.

    This is only the case when the property is purchased using a Discretionary Family Trust. I would be thinking about switching Accountants.

    Okay I will check out with my accountant whether I misunderstood him. Thanks for that.

    Hi PosEnterprises,

    Another issue is that if you make a loss in a trust, that loss cannot be offset against any personal gains. I know that ideally we wouldn't make a loss but we have a property that is making a loss (the portfolio is not making a loss overall) and we were told by our accountant that you want anything making a loss in your own name and anything making a profit in a trust.


    trakka wrote:

    One big concern I have is that people who are into network marketing (I don't want to start on that, but let's say I'm far from a fan of MLM/NM) seem to love it, but they seem to go for years "improving" themselves, and very few of them ever seem to actually achieve anything tangible. They're always "in the process" of manifesting success, but I don't see too many results. And they use MLM/NM techniques to distribute the "free" seminar tickets, for crying out loud. And just the fact that somebody who'd be attracted to MLM would also be attracted to NLP makes me highly suspicious.

    Okay I just had to respond to that one (without getting into MLM) that not EVERYONE that's into MLM is also into NLP!

    I've been into MLM for some years in different companies (and yes now I've found one that working for me ) but I have never done or promoted NLP. If people want to do it fine, and it they don't that's cool too. You may find that people into MLM just want to improve themselves and so do different self development courses and I could say the same about a lot of property investors I know too. There are so many people that do property courses, shares courses etc and then complain that they can't do it when others around them can do it, just because people can hold themselves back and don't realise it.


    NonnieE wrote:

    Hi, I too are looking at Quicken Personal Plus. Good to no someone who is trying it and your feedback. Do you know if it is Mac compatible?


    Sorry I've no idea….

    Hi David,

    Like you we're using the trial version and have decided to buy the full product. We are using Quicken Home and Business since we need multi-currency having IPs in the UK and Australia. so far so good and we've got our share investments in it too so that we can see everything. I'm pretty impressed with it. I have used Quicken before but that was the 2001 version which was very different.

    Hunt around on the internet for a good buy since the prices of Quicken seem to vary quite a lot.


    The other point is that those that have the financial education, make money in a falling market as well as a rising market – whether it's property or shares

    Hi cmh,

    Same thing with me so I've sent an email to Candace today asking the same questions. Her email is on the website where you ordered the tickets.


    HI Normace,

    I agree with L A Aussie in that you may need to change lender. I am part of a private property forum in the UK ( I used to live there ) and they are refinancing all the time. When I was moving out to Oz from the UK in July 2007 I remortgaged with Mortgage Express without any problem. I had to prove I was living in Australia (which I was so that wasn't an issue).

    Even when I was living there and trying to re-mortgage investment properties just to get lower interest rates some banks weren't interested so I went elsewhere.


    We moved from the UK to Australia in July 2007 and wanted to re-mortgage. The only bank that would give us a good interest rate was Mortgage Express and they knew we were moving to Australia (and wanted proof that we were living here). It may be worth checking with them to see what they could do for you.

    We have 3 properties in the UK and made sure that they were overall cash flow positive before we left because we didn't want to be caught in any currency exchange issues.


    Oh and I don't know of any cashflow positive properties out this way either unless you want to add value by fixing them up.

    I wouldn't touch the flats (hospital conversion) at all since that development was overpriced to begin with and people have had those flats on the market for a while. Even if you could negotiate them down I'm not sure the rental would be enough to cover the mortgage.


    Sorry I haven't been on the forum for a while….

    I actually live in Mount Gambier and I'm a property investor (bought property before I moved to Mount Gambier).

    I can  tell you that the Penola mill is not yet guaranteed (according to local papers) but since the article in API everyone is buying up round here like crazy. I went to see a unit for A$98,000 to practice my negoation skills (it wasn't in a particularly good area) but it already had offers before the open viewing. Real estate agents are being swapped with investors (one of the agents is a friend) and people are paying the asking price or in some cases more than the asking price just to buy here.

    I've only been living here since July (moved from the UK) and I like the area but I'm not about to invest in an area where people are paying over the odds for properties. I realise that the properties will seem very cheap in comparison to those in the major cities though.


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