No mentor here- just an average joe, getting by on wits
I am thinking if you have 25k debt, that’s probably not a huge amount- many people have that kind of debt- like a car debt or something- don’t panic- sounds, from what you’ve written, that you’re doing well in getting it paid off.
You’ve written that you have no credit…[Read more]
richmond, yeah, of course. I guess I was just irked at the thought of Ronulas suggesting that voters just vote a party in or out because of something like tall poppy syndrome.
Some voters make sure they find out everything they can about areas that are important to them, and know that the vote they make is a considered one.
Well, Ronulas, I am not sure all Australian voters just think somneone is too big for their boots (tall poppy syndrome) and kick them out… I think voters generally look at what they believe or what they want a society to be, and vote for the Party that suits their ideology. If the main (social) issues for Australia might be: health, education,…[Read more]
I’m glad you mentioned that movie. I’ve been wanting to raise something along those lines. The 1980’s was all about showy wealth, for those who had it- the days of Bondy, Skase, Singo.. all of those cigar-puffing, gold-ring wearing fellows. I think the difference in 2004 (and I am getting onto the topic) is that someone (kiyosaki probably-…[Read more]
Dunno now, Cel. I was really looking forward to it, but I might have to go away for a while. I got a scarey phone call this evening and I might have to leave sydney- a friend of mine’s in a big mess and I am trying to do what I can to make sure she’s safe. I may not be here for Steve’s forum :o(
hehe Jaffa… you ask an agent how much a property costs, and he says “how long is a piece of string?” hehe- that’s funny
Maybe he’s doing that negative gearing marketing of “the property will cost you $30 a week (at the highest tax bracket and with depreciation allowances, and based upon a rental of $$ per week).” I doubt he’s suggesting that…[Read more]
Thanks Cel for providing that info :o)) I think sometimes we can be bound by what we experience ourselves- thank you for the euro perspective. I know for myself, I can be a bit insular, and it’s good to see models from other countries.
I also know that growing up in this culture, we’ve not often seen what other countries do, as particularly…[Read more]
Sometimes I just go on a $$ amount, rather than yield. For example, I know of a house that was sold for 26k recently. It wouldn’t be hard to get a 20% yield on it – but that’s only about $100 a week. It would be eaten up by repairs, PM costs (it’s remote), and other costs, so for me, it wouldn’t be worth. Actually, it might only yield $60…[Read more]
I really think it’s a matter of a person not feeling they have enough knowledge in the area, and i think it’s commendable that they didn’t take on the work. I have had solicitors from my state not wish to do interstate work because they feel that a person from the other state would be better equipped to assist me. I could see the same…[Read more]
My first two properties had rents which paid for the mortgage, but my partner and I had a very high deposit and two incomes. We tried to pay them off as quickly as possible, so we chucked the rents, plus every spare cent we had into them. Those were in the Jan Somers book days, before I had heard of CF properties. The rents we charged were…[Read more]
Get your hands on the article if you can- it’s a good one. It has some very contrary beliefs about CF+ to this forum. For a start, it says cashflow positive can be achieved on about 6% yield. I can’t remember the formula they use (i’ll look it up later) but it’s interesting to read different ways of thinking about the same issues.
hehe! Missing deadlines- ahh, yes- I know it well. So do you get in trouble when you miss a deadline? Or do they say “oh, that’s just Stuart- he can’t help it.”
Well, just one more, rogue… Celivia’s use of the word “redundant” was correct. If only public schools were funded by the government, that would make private schools redundant (unnecessary) or superfluous.