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kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic The locker room in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    cute, redwing :)

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic High price to pay in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    I reckon it isn’t hard to get carried away with the whol RE game and then be trapped into it, ie we do what we have to do to purchase and buy more, but then we have to stay doing what we are doing to maintain. Hence, a lot of people are “downshifting” and simplifying. I guess it depends on if you can maintain your income- from whatever…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic Voted Womens Favourite Email Of The Year in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    Then simply ignore it, Dazz :O) And the rest of us will do what we choose, also.

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Advice/help REALLY needed in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    I think you need to do your research on bankruptcy. Obviously, most people on here have not gone bankrupt, but lots of wealth gurus have. In fact, some brag about it as part of their marketing. [thumbsdownanim

    Try this website for info on bankruptcy:

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Voted Womens Favourite Email Of The Year in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    hmmm… given that women got kicked out of the public service in Australia when they got married-= and that was official policy… so it’s not long that women have actually been able to freely participate in the world of work. Of course, had they chosen not to be married, and be one of those “career women”, then they could have got paid for their…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic map to know where and what to post in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Advertisements such as “I have opportunities available: send me a message” ARE allowed- in people’s bylines- not as the substance of the post.

    As Simon said, some people are constantly trying to spam up the forum- and using different names, making one post… it just becomes lame after a while.

    If people want to advertise properties, they can do…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    A Subaru Impreza RX is my current car- I love it :)

    Dunno why people want to spend hundreds of k’s on a house and drive around in a car that makes them look like a hillbilly, though. I thought investing in RE is supposed to make our lifestyles better?

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Beware of “Bird Dogs” – from a Bird Dog! in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    “Like any professional that you employ, you need to check the qualifications of the buyers agent you decide to use. They need to be a qualified real estate agent”

    redwing, personally I prefer to deal with people who have qualifications- in any field they are working in- I believe it makes people more accountable- or they may be quality assurance…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic Depreciator in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hey Billyray (you got a mullet, perchance?)

    I’m not normally into testimonial type things, but I have found Scott of Depreciator very nice to deal with. I am very much into “customer service”, and I’ll always deal with someone who is sane, rational and patient- any time- over business people who have poor interpersonal skills. Scott’s a good…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic Richmond is a DADDY!! in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago

    Awwww- gee, how cute, richmond :)

    Congratulations, Jamie- you’re a star!

    My kid looks like this: [mickey]

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Positive cashflow spotted in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Rajeev’s post is a blatant ad, and should be removed.

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Iemma to abolish vendor tax- It’s Official in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks for the update, Roy :)

    In some ways, a flatter market means IR’s remain low and can’t be too bad… (don’t hit me!) I hope a potentially reinvigorated NSW market doesn’t mean higher IR’s. Think about it: a 2.25% rise in IR’s will be the equivalent of the vendor duty.

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Financial independence goals in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago


    I think sometimes it is better to get a job as a paye employee- even though so many people on wealth forums slag off jobs… jobs making people just over broke and all.

    Being an employee can have one paying more tax than a business person- but taxation rates have been reduced recently. Being an employee can have fixed hours, whereas a…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic DOLF F.Y.I in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago


    With all due respect (because I respect you), it is not hard to:

    “… learn how one man did one deal and took the rest of the year off.”

    Lots of people on here make a one-year wage with one deal- via capital gain etc. One only has to buy well and sell well and one can make 60k etc for one year. (I think one would be mad to put one…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic body corporate advice in the forum No Subject 20 years ago


    you ARE the body corporate- as in, you are a mwmber of the governing council, and have voting rights. Have you got a position on the BC? Perhaps you can put your name in, so you feel you can have more direct decision-making power.

    How many units in the block? I can imagine with a larger block, there may be more cowboys to argue with.

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Sydney Discussion Group in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Where is parramatta? Does everyone live out west on here? Can we meet in sydney? hehe.

    kay henry

  • kay henry replied to the topic Real Property, Real People, Unreal profits in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago


    Inventing testimonials is an old trick- and a very boring one- i don’t think anyone falls for it anymore. Probably the best testimonials are ones you can check. With REAL stories, I think anyone would be mad to make stuff up- although Kiyosaki did, and so have a lot of other gurus- particularly about their portfolios.

    Really, it’s…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic Highly paid, low qual jobs in the forum No Subject 20 years ago


    I think we have different experiences in what our degrees have provided for us- vastly different experiences. Horses for courses.

    oshen- the woman who is working on the minesthat I know of- she is cooking and she said some of the other women there (wives) are cleaning. She said that some of the woimen are only doing it because they’re…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic Highly paid, low qual jobs in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Dazzling said:

    “If you want the nice city life with a fluffy cushy job that pays under 30K p.a., don’t start complaining about the low pay if you aren’t prepared to put in the hard yards..”

    Actually, Dazzling, I have ther idea that it’s often the hardest work that’s often the lowest paid- well, I think that used to be the rule (the generality).…[Read more]

  • kay henry replied to the topic Highly paid, low qual jobs in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    A friend of mine is working at some mine in Qld, and she says the men there are all on 130k per annum. They also get food, electricity etc included. Presumably women can do this too, and some wives live on the base. All housing is owned by the mine. Go figure- it’s a lot of money. As it’s fly in fly out, it can’t be too isolating.

    Problem is- for…[Read more]

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kay henry