People primarily buy pozz geared properties because it can be a reasonably stress-free purchase- it pays for itself. None of us would knock back at 10% return if we could get it, I reckon. But one of the problems, as you’d be aware, is that property values have pretty much increased across the board, so pozz properties are fewer, and rents…[Read more]
Bradles- yeah, what the rest said, but adding a bit more…
It does, as others said, depend on what ya wanna do. If you want to reno, think about reno kings, if you want to develop, think about development-focussed strategies… if you want to positive gear (for income), or you want to negative gear (for growth), then direct your research…[Read more]
I think BB’s got lucky because of the RE boom- because certainly, many are unable to rely on super- it came in universally not terribly long ago, and a lot of older people (including many X-gens) won’t be able to reply on super to survive (and certainly not on a pension!)- hence CG and a renewed interest in RE has served many bb’s…[Read more]
I’d be a little wary about buying into an alliance company. I think we wanna get idea from gurus- not just buy houses from them or their builders.
As oyu’d know, Fitzgerald has a fairly conservative buy and hold for CG approach, which is kind of suitable to me, but it’s also a bit risky to pay big bucks for property now and depend on…[Read more]
I started out with a ten-year loan- but had no clue as to property investing- glad I did back then though- it means I had my first place nearly paid off when I sold it- of course, that was pre-boom and properties were cheaper. If i had a 10-year loan now, I couldn’t cope with repayments.
I then got informed it is better to take out a…[Read more]
loanwolf- Bernald Salt, demographer, interviewed on ABC- ok, a year and a half ago, but possibly still relevant (although albury/wodonga wouldn’t be my chosen destination for an inland change…)
Property “Sea Change” to Inland Australia
Presenter: Neil Meaney
Monday, 19 May 2003
Bernard Salt is Author of the book The Big S…[Read more]
there is a thing called “constructive dismissal”. I suggest you look it up on google- australian site. Constructive dismissal is a term used – it’s pretty much unfair dismissal- for when you felt it was untenable to stay at the workplace.The remdies for a proven case of constructive dismissal are 26 weeks pay, I recall. It is highly…[Read more]
Mike, in response to one of your questions, I think if you can get decent CF+ properties, there will always be a market for resale- look at the folks on here- one of the greatest questions is, “where can I buy CF+ property.” Capital growth is king, but CF+ is CG’s doppleganger- opposite, but valuable. Where CG is all about “potential”,…[Read more]
I don’t mind a down time in the market. Home lending is, according to the RB, still at unsustainably high levels- with first home buyers buying up big. This still puts pressure on IR’s increasing- which I don’t want- not for me, not for anyone else. If we don’t want IR’s to rise- then we might hope that activity dampens down a…[Read more]
The level of IR rates is probably a bit off topic, but some 12 years ago, I was getting 18% interest on a deposit over a year. So IR’s would have been about 20% then. That was the highest I ever remember them being. The next year, the deposit rate fell to 16% over 5 years, and I thought it was too low- hehe. Actually, it’s fortunate I put my money…[Read more]
I gyuess if you can get a loan, you’d have to make sure the IP was CF+. A pension doesn’t give you much leeway in the event of repairs etc. Just make sure your property isn’t a … well, a dog.
hehe.. well, at least I answered the Q, techa- sheesh.
Seriously, IR’s are not going to rise all in one go. I get wage rises every year, and in fact, they should negate any small IR rises on my current level of mortgage- not on yours- but on mine. That’s my answer, techa- and to pay extra on my mortgage. That’s not avoiding the Q- that’s how I…[Read more]
I am not a lock-in type- I go for variable rates- a lot can happen in 5 years- it is possible that rates might even go down, although our economy would have to flatten considerably for the RB to stimulate activity in that way.
I rely on wage rises to counteract IR rises. I also pay extra into my mortgage, so that, if times get tough and…[Read more]
Thanks Sonja This was not some freak show. I would never do a heads up about a Springer episode- too easy. It was a doco on SBS- not so much about the big women, but about the dynamic of the relationship between her and the “feeder”. People might have found it titillating, perhaps, but that is probably their own immaturity. Glad some people got…[Read more]
Thanks, Baloo. I guess it’s over and done with now :o) The doco was indeed interesting. Noone has fessed up about why they removed the topic, so I’m gonna leave it.
Dear Mods, if I wrote something sexist, racist, homophobic, then I would expect it to be removed. If I yelled at a Forum member, or name-called, or lost my temper, then yes, I expect…[Read more]
Jo, thanks for your welcome to the Forum- I hope it’s nice in here :+P
Yeah, well I hope someone who actually *watched* the program found it offensive, as opposed to someonew who didn’t like seeing the word “fat”. The program was in no way discriminatory to big women- anyone who knows me, would know my perspectives on that. It was actually a…[Read more]