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  • kattan replied to the topic How does this work? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Originally posted by rpbrown:

    Another thing which puzzles me is Yardney’s article ‘The Keys to Building a Substantial Property Portfolio” where is says you can use the equity in your property for the 20% deposit. I have naively thought that the bank required the deposit to be in cash not equity.??? If the former is the case, in my circumstances…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Attn Developers – What PROFIT margin is a goer?l in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 10 months ago

    Originally posted by investToSurf:
    Hi all, I’m a virgin poster and just read this thread and sounds like i could be half way through an investment that might not stack up. I’ve listed the details below and can provide more if needed. In a nutshell, I’ve just bough a big block 900sqm with a 3 br house on the front, community title hammerhead…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Has anyone came back after losing everything in the forum No Subject 17 years, 11 months ago

    Few yrs back we were DINK with good income in Melbourne.
    we bought a block of land with potential to subdivide into 2 units. had no idea about value add or even neg gearing. so we built a 4 Br house [stretching ourselves].

    Transferred to Brisbane and rented our brand new house in Melbourne. sold it just before the 2000 boom to repay a minor…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Would you invest in Footscray VIC? in the forum General Property 18 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by smoothsatin:

    “….but Yarraville has “gentrified” and Footscray shows little sign of doing so. Simply put, and not being racist, but “Australians” like every nationality i have encountered are pretty racist. They dont want to go down to their local shops and see Minh Phat bakery, they want to see people (looking) like…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Tarneit in Melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Leo,
    I presume that you are looking at Tarneit as an investor with a view towards:
    1. Capital Growth in your IP OR
    2. Rental returns and CF+ OR a combination of both.

    Cap Growth is likely to be below average for the next few years in this area:

    Construction activity [H&L packages ] is heavy along the Western corridor from Hillside [west of…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago

    For example, he argued until he was blue in the face one night that if you insure your $200K house for $100K and it burns down, the insurance company will pay out the full $100K. I tried to explain about under-insurance but HE KNEW BEST.

    Hi Wylie,
    what is the deal with “Under-Insurance”.
    could someone clarify the issue.
    Checked it up on the net.…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago

    For example, he argued until he was blue in the face one night that if you insure your $200K house for $100K and it burns down, the insurance company will pay out the full $100K. I tried to explain about under-insurance but HE KNEW BEST.

    Hi Wylie,
    what is the deal with “Under-Insurance”.
    could someone clarify the issue.


  • kattan replied to the topic Should I buy Yet in the forum General Property 18 years, 2 months ago

    Originally posted by kattan:
    Heading back to oz to warm the bones for a few weeks around the holidays. Is it time to buy yet

    sorry mate, just testing the post functionality.

    sorry mate, just testing the post functionality.

  • kattan replied to the topic Should I buy Yet in the forum General Property 18 years, 2 months ago

    Heading back to oz to warm the bones for a few weeks around the holidays. Is it time to buy yet

    sorry mate, just testing the post functionality.

  • kattan replied to the topic Development Finance possible? in the forum Finance 18 years, 2 months ago

    The following are the reasons why I would prefer not to buy:

    1. Funding limitations: this way my total funding requirement is limited to construction only; not the land portion and hence gives me the capacity to do bigger projects.

    2. Risk minimisation: if the permits don’t come through I can get out of the situation with minimal…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Reduced line of credit in the forum Finance 18 years, 2 months ago

    Banks have a reason for what they are doing – risk management [theirs not yours].

    Town houses in suburb A may be the flavour of this month but 3 months down the line the Bank may have too many of those in their books – hence no more loans for Town houses in Suburb A.

    The poor consumer [us] is obviously confused and bewildered. it was ok then but…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Anyone doing renovation jobs in Melb ? in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 6 months ago

    hb is right. Buy-Reno-Keep will provide u with better figures [on paper] than BRS. the transfer just kills the numbers.
    Anyway the bottomline is that u make your money when u buy.
    u will have a great reno outcome if u had done ur due diligence [expected price after Reno, cost of Reno, Transaction Costs buy/sell, and your projected…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Town house/units building costs in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 8 months ago

    lets see some more details on the proposed development[atleast how many squares or SqM]

  • kattan replied to the topic un-registered easements in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 8 months ago

    whose responsibility is it to register easements?
    if unregistered how is the prospective buyer going to be aware of the condition?

  • kattan replied to the topic What do you think of this book? in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 2 months ago

    The e’Book is OK. You always pick up something.

    Feasibility has a few ommissions/events out of Sequence though.
    1. Selling Cost: Commission on Selling Price (say 2.5 to 3%) is calculated after you have assessed the potential Sale Price.

    2. No mention of GST & Input Tax Credit;This has a major impact on your feasibility now.


  • kattan replied to the topic Whats it take to be a developer? in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 2 months ago

    and have accesss to a lot more money than you think you will need

    very valid comment.

    Life’s little surprises are always around the corner and these ******** have a habit of coming and biting you when you have spent your last cent.

    For my current Project [upmarket T/House in Melb Inner City Suburb]I have paid off for the Land (with Permit).…[Read more]

  • kattan replied to the topic Project Plan for Owner Building in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    I did find a website with relevant Info but sounds American. will the building practices vary a lot?

  • kattan replied to the topic Books on Development in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    The following is from the Dymocks website. looks like a book to me.

    ISBN 073140131X
    Format Paperback
    Category Real Estate

  • kattan replied to the topic Books on Development in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 3 months ago

    “Start intelligent guide to Aust poperty developing

    Has anyone read this book? any good?


  • kattan replied to the topic [moved] Land Development and Partnerships in the forum Value Adding 20 years, 5 months ago

    1. if u set up a trust and transfet the land u will pay stamp duty on price of land again. (but better than transfering to a trust structure on completion of building).
    I made the mistake of buying land under my name but decided to pay SD again & moved it to a hybrid discretionary trust structure. definite gains in the long run (CGT, neg…[Read more]

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