katfrat replied to the topic recommedation for solicitors in WA in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi Pen.chen
I used Mint Settlements in Perth in September and they were fantastic.katfrat replied to the topic Help! Listing new agent tonight in the forum General Property 19 years ago
to holdencommodore
We have had NO offers and have dropped price $70,000.00 in total since it first went on market in October. I cant wait for a offer to come in I would be excited and signing it!!!
Yes i understand your point about leaving house on their books while it has tanants. I didnt consider it from agents point of view with no advertising…[Read more]katfrat replied to the topic Reno Spreadsheet.. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I keep hearing that there is a shotage of tradies in WA thats the reason why we decided to move to WA to do our own renos if you ever need a carpenter thats into IP’s let me know
katfrat replied to the topic Choosing a PM in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Very informative. Thanks Michael that report is fantastickatfrat replied to the topic A Different type of TRUST in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
I read the article too and was excited to find out how to set this up. Hopefuly Micheal can tell us how.[biggrin]
katfrat replied to the topic Help! Listing new agent tonight in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi Foundation
the reason could be the Princes Hwy the bypass is due to be finished 2008 which could alleviate the traffic isssue.
Plan b is to put tenants in when we leave if not sold, and lease it till after bypass is complete.katfrat replied to the topic Help! Listing new agent tonight in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Hi Nathan,
Were in Officer, Victoria.katfrat replied to the topic listing 2 agents? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Hi Dazzling
We have just re financed it and have brought in Perth borrowed 100% for perth prop. Plan b is to put tenants in it this one we are trying to sell the only thing is it dosn’t free up our cash (equity) or is there a way to do that?katfrat replied to the topic listing 2 agents? in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Hi westan,Thanks for your advise.
The agent has said the feed back has been “26sq’s of living was to small for the price we were asking”. Nice house and gardens but not for the price, we have now dropped the price 3 times a total of $70,000.00. We have OPI’s this weekend both Saturday and Sunday. We have told the agent that this his last week and…[Read more]katfrat replied to the topic listing 2 agents? in the forum General Property 19 years ago
thanks for the advise.The agent we had out said the same thing about listing 2 of them but i wasn”t sure to beleive him or not!!
We have already dropped the price twice since the original listing, to met the market would this be have a bad effect on selling it? Should we start a fresh with a new agent and different price?katfrat replied to the topic selling house in Officer, Vic to move to WA in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Thanks Del
Your right we are missing out on deals in Perth while we are fussing over a price here. My comon sense tells me we have not met the market yet. I have already rung agent and droped the price.[biggrin]( I sent you a email as at the time i couldnt work out how to post another message!!)