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  • kas1234 replied to the topic PM & my IP in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Huey…….I don’t know you, but you sound as if you are a very good person….and I hate seeing good people being trampled upon.
    Get angry, mate….controlled anger can be a very useful tool.
    I don’t mean being abusive or the desk thumping type but certainly being assertive is appropriate. You have made a significant investment in this property…[Read more]

  • kas1234 replied to the topic Urgent help nedded !!!! Please !!!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Good Afternoon Makka
    I am new to this site and have only ordered Steve’s book today so I am not familiar with the 11 second rule.
    My feeling is that if you are going to invest in real estate then you should have total control over your investment and this is difficult if you have to rely on bodies corporate and as you have rightly pointed out,…[Read more]


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