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  • karloska replied to the topic Loan service ability and third IP on one Income in the forum She has actually been too a 14 years, 9 months ago

    She has actually been too a broker a few times but not recently, but came away none the wiser.So to release as much equity as possible is it good practice to make most loans standalone? Or in this case is it more about structuring so that servicabilty isnt an issue. Once the market picks up again she will want to buy again so its an important time…[Read more]

  • karloska replied to the topic Loan service ability and third IP on one Income in the forum She will go to different 14 years, 9 months ago

    She will go to different banks shortly, is currently with Suncorp on the main loan. I gather cross collaterlization is when both homes are under one mortgage? I gather this is the case.The loans are not interest only yet and she has very stable employment in the government.


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