Kancab replied to the topic Our first reno project in the forum Hello Jase & 18 years ago
Hello Jase & FlicCongratulations !!! On a fantastic result .. Hope all goes well with the cooling off etc.. You both did a great job on the reno… all the best with your next project ..God blessMichael
Kancab replied to the topic Rendering over fake brick cladding? in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago
I agree with Cory , Do not render over the fake brick.. A couple of houses i have seen with fake brick that was removed was that they had weatherboards underneath…. Check out the asbestos thing first though.. Thanks Kancab.
Kancab replied to the topic Sandwich leasing ?? Please explain !!! in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago
Thanks for your reply Xenia. Where can i find out about the other forms of vendor financing ?? So to create a sandwich lease i would approach someone with a house for sale and purchase it off of them as a lease option then find another buyer who would be willing to purchase the same house from me as a lease option …The profit comes from the…[Read more]