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  • kameruka replied to the topic Postive cashflow USA in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Nigel How much do you know?Do you know a company you represent refer their clients to a 3rd party who sell overpriced property in DETROIT?Oh you forgot that or have no idea what they do?With significant commissions!Property checked by me when asked was advertised by this third party purchased for $2,000 advertised at $18,000 + rehab it is no…[Read more]

  • kameruka replied to the topic Postive cashflow USA in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    NigelMate you just don't give up! Don't you think it is getting a bit embarrassing?All investors should do their homework investing any where just don't be an expert on everything and everywhere it is a bit hard to swallow and you will do fine. 

  • kameruka replied to the topic Postive cashflow USA in the forum Nigel
    Mate you just don’t
    15 years ago

    NigelMate you just don't give up! Don't you think it is getting a bit embarrassing?All investors should do their homework investing any where just don't be an expert on everything and everywhere it is a bit hard to swallow and you will do fine. 

  • kameruka replied to the topic Postive cashflow USA in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    NigelWhat I suggest is just directly promote your business as apposed to what you are doing which is indirectly promoting your business which by using scare tactics over and over again investors see through you rubbish, I know they tell me!just stick to what you know as apposed to what you think you knowInvestors aren't stupid running people like…[Read more]

  • kameruka replied to the topic Postive cashflow USA in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Nigellet me guess?Is it where you have your business?lol

  • kameruka replied to the topic Postive cashflow USA in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    KarenBest to do your own homework, be sure of what you are doing and don't be afraid to travel over and look at the city / state you are interested in.All the best

  • kameruka replied to the topic Has anyone used a Property Broker to buy in US? in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    NigelI have worked with Richard in the past, and will talk with him further.Thank you

  • kameruka replied to the topic Has anyone used a Property Broker to buy in US? in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    NigelSo you can get finance in the US then?Please tell us more.

  • kameruka replied to the topic Has anyone used a Property Broker to buy in US? in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Why use a broker just buy direct from the banks, it not that hard.Get yourself over there in an area you have researched and be careful buying sight unseen.Best of luckDo your homework!

  • kameruka replied to the topic Where to set up LLC in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    HelloAs I understand it, an LLC will need to be established in the state where you are purchasing.However as mentioned by Vincent, you setup an LLC in a more tax friendly state as a controlling entity.All your profits from your Georgia LLC lets say would need to be sent through to your "Delaware or Nevada LLC" as management or associated costs…[Read more]

  • kameruka replied to the topic Investing Numbers, Do yours stack up? in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Worked out how to insert an image  Home as described above

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Lets look at the numbers?Shoot through any questions happy to assist with information

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Just seen some great videos 15 years ago

    Just seen some great videos of Michigan property market.We had a blast in Michigan loads of great property / happy investors.Robert give me a call about an accountant.Glad to hear you have got some deals in Detroit, Michigan.

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Hey guysJust back from Michigan, Had a great time can't wait to get over there again in June.Please send through ant questions you may have.I am not here to convince people my numbers are correct they with stand any test and have been tested already by Aussies who have just purchased on our last property tour. You should do your own due diligence…[Read more]

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    GlaucusIt is very sad to hear anyone loosing money in an market and this happens all over the place not just in one state.It is very important to know what you are doing and learn as much as you can, it is not that expensive to travel to the USA.I hope you may be able to get your investing back on track soon.There are many sharks out there loading…[Read more]

  • Hey InvestorsWe have just wrapped up two property tours in Michigan and would be happy to pass on a contact number for someone who went on the trip if you wanted some feedback.This is just someone like yourself who wanted to know more so it may assist you in taking any next step you may want to do, either in Michigan or elsewhere.

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Hey GAmerica is a big market I would suggest you just focus on one state or city and study that as much as you can. Myself I focus on Detroit but there are other people like Nigel listed above who work in Texas i understand and there are others about too.There is plenty to understand but once you have your head around it get over to the US and…[Read more]

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Property AnaylsisYearPurchase Price8,000Title Work700Renovations5,000MONTHLY COSTSProperty Management 10%80Property Maintenance 10%80Insurance1200100Taxation Rates2500208Rental income800Cash return per month332cash on cash %29.05%ROI70.07%Singer, I hope this is ok?Please ask and i will do my best to answer any questions.

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    Hey guys Today was great we seen some really fantastic deals on property.Overall we looked at about 20 homes over the past few days and an Australian investor who has joined me here will be placing some offers and securing some passive income deals before he goes home.I have been very impressed with the city and how friendly the local people are…[Read more]

  • kameruka replied to the topic Michigan Property Market in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago

    I have only studied this market for two years and yes there is so much to learn and two years really isn't that long at all, I have two properties at 75% ROI myself and offer advice and a chance for people to make up their own mind.It is great a business like yours can offer a wide range of services, I am sure you have gained quite some business f…[Read more]

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